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  1. HorseGirlAbby

    Hen just sitting listless with humped back.

    Just wanted to chime in that mine do the same thing. One of my hens has chronic issues with soft-shelled eggs, and she tends to lay them on the floor, where the hens will all eat them. Another of my girls lays eggs with good hard shells on the floor, and no one ever bothers them. They walk on...
  2. HorseGirlAbby

    Hen just sitting listless with humped back.

    Be sure to get her nice and dry. You don't want her to get chilled on top of whatever else is wrong. :(
  3. HorseGirlAbby

    Hen just sitting listless with humped back.

    Can you feel an actual lump on her back? If you have calcium citrate pills, the human ones, I would give her one, just in case she is egg bound. It won't hurt her if she's not. Has she been acting normal the past few days?
  4. HorseGirlAbby

    Hen just sitting listless with humped back.

    What I'm wondering is if your hen has an actual lump or if that's just her feathers poofing up. This is my hen kind of looking the same, and she was perfectly fine. Your hen clearly isn't feeling good, which accounts for her just standing there with her tail down. How old is she, and what...
  5. HorseGirlAbby

    Hen just sitting listless with humped back.

    Is there an actual lump, or is that just her feathers? What does the lump feel/look like? Is she just sitting there, or straining, like to lay an egg?
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