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  1. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I should add - forgetful is absolutely correct that the American Marans is to have feathered shanks; the feathering should go down the outside of the legs, and along the outside toe. It should not be found on other toes, or between the toes, and should not be extremely thick - nor sparse.
  2. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    That's not exactly true - we used the French standard as a basis for the American standard, but they are not exactly the same. :)
  3. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Hi, Preston - they don't fit in more with European; Faverolles and Marans are very similar in my opinion. And even not far from Lafleche, size and purpose wise.
  4. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I would certainly not cull these at this point; it's awfully early to know for sure. HOWEVER - their shank feathering is definitely much too heavy. That is not a DQ, though. As far as them looking different as chicks, different breeders breed for different things after they breed to standard...
  5. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    This is not scaley leg mite. It's related to feathered shanks, and may be sex linked. See here:
  6. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I've had hundreds of Marans cock birds on my property, and have been breeding them for eight years now; I have had just one that was mean spirited, and that was very early in my breeding experience. I strongly believe that it's much about how you handle/present yourself whether you'll have one...
  7. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I run mine at 62-65; when that first chick hatches, the humidity will rise rapidly so you don't want to begin a hatch with it too awfully high.
  8. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    The hackle is the neck feathering. Yes, if you click on that picture to enlarge it, can you see the copper "stippling" - it looks like it's sort of sprayed on, in tiny dots? That is mossiness. That area should be solid black. I hate to hear so much talk about this line and that...folks...
  9. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Nerd, the area with the copper feathering in the pic above is called the hackle area. Unfortuanately, this bird is what we call "mossy" - look toward the bottom of the picture - do you see the feathers on the back with the brown/copper edges to them? They should not have color like that. I...
  10. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Hi, nerd - may I call you nerd? The white question in your 2nd paragraph is a subject that's being discussed in a sort of "hush hush" way all over the place. On here, on Showbidbird, in the Marans's my feeling that no one seems to have a handle on it just yet, and that's why...
  11. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Once an egg is incubated, it becomes quite runny; the chance of cracking it open and the yolk staying intact are VERY VERY slim.
  12. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Nope. Not necessarily. Once an egg is incubated, you cannot tell whether it was fertile or not.
  13. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    The approved standard can be found in the APA's Standard of Perfection. Also, you can view a copy here: (if it doesn't pull up for you, let me know & I'll copy/paste here). In the U.S. Marans are to have feathered shanks.
  14. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    yup. The folks I know who are working on them may not have them out quickly, but - they breed for excellent egg color & type, taking no "shortcuts" along the way. :) OH - @DMRippy - I am not referring to you in any way here!
  15. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I'll get some pictures, soon. I'm not known for my picture taking ability, but I'll try. I have a couple good friends breeding the lavender; I suspect they'll soon be released for distribution to responsible breeders this year or next.
  16. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    'tis true. I have pure Blue Marans, they have just started to lay and color is pretty good. Funny thing, I think the Black Coppers are just gorgeous...but I don't care for the blue coppers at all. However, the solid me is just as pretty as the Black Copper! I need to get some...
  17. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    No, this is not normal. I would anticipate you'll have issues with that one eventually. Very sorry to hear it, but I do hope the rest do well!
  18. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Oh my word - NO NO NO - PLEASE DON'T DO THIS, folks! If an egg can't hatch on its own, it ought not be incubated! Think about this - seriously, have any of you ever seen a hen with a piece of sandpaper? Ridiculous.
  19. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I've had eggs shipped to me three times now in the foam and I can't say I really liked them much, personally. Also, folks reuse them, and to me...I prefer fresh, never-been-used packaging for hatching eggs. But, everyone has their preferences.
  20. Wynette

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I ship like Hangtown - I will say that if I had the $, I'd definitely DEFINITELY ship using preemie diapers rather than bubble wrap pouches. I've gotten a few shipments in them, and they are awesome. MUCH more padding than bubble wrap pouches, and so you don't even need to line the bottom...
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