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  1. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Now here is a person who buyers all wish they ran into when buying poultry and this I can attest to as I have personally purchased a had full of adult chickens and still have several of them to this day and use them in my breeding program yes @desertmarcy I can say you are what we buyers are...
  2. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Your right that is nice
  3. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Good look chick you have there and by day ten you really should have some great feathering going on
  4. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I haven't seen you on BYC for a wile @desertmarcy , I haven't ever seen your RIR's but I did buy 4 Spangled Russian Orloff's from you some years ago and even with the shipping being very pricy I found the quality of the RO's was and is very much worth what I got from you, ya you are a very good...
  5. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Alright good job and our prayers are with you
  6. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I only go as high as 9 hens per roo in a breeding pen ....... But it really depends on the roo
  7. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Give it about another 4 weeks at least ........ A better photo would really help and late in the evening and roosting on a 2X4 as any animal really will not pose for you naturally with out some encouragement None of these wanted to pose for me and only worked with me here because...
  8. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Thank you ,,,, Now I now I wasn't the only family who grow up in a similar manner ..
  9. gander007

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I would like to see a photo of this up close if you could as this sounds a lot different then what I have in the yard .........
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