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  1. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    My SC are broody crazy. So far my RC hen has not gone broody. I have not had an issue with fertility but Tanker only has 2 hens. I have had a very hard time getting the RC out of their shells though. This hatch was better but I still had a couple that zipped and quite or pipped and quite. These...
  2. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I just hatched out 5 RC and 5 SC last week. I love all my Underwoods but I really love my RC. Penny
  3. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I ended up with 11 eggs hatching between my SC and RC pens. While some of them are darker then others the last one to hatch from my RC pen is so dark it is almost black. I know dark chicks are a good thing but is being that dark a good thing? Here is a not so good cell phone pic of some of the...
  4. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Well I have 18 eggs that made it to lockdown today, 10 SC and 8 RC. I ended up with only one SC egg that was not fertile which shocked me since my Cock has a bad leg. All I can say is he is a determined "Man" and takes his job seriously. I am praying I get a decent SC cockerel for a replacement...
  5. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    By the time I had completed the brooder it had warmed up a bit but it was still in the 40's at night. I had one of my hens that hatched out a chick on the coldest day in Feb and she did fine so I think as long as they have a warm place to go when needed the cold won't hurt them. The heat plate...
  6. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    For that many chicks I would definitely do 2. I have mine made so I can divide it in half which was nice when I had 2 different ages in there. Now remember I am a 60 year old woman and had to build this myself so it is not taj mahal. On the front I have 2 windows that I can open that are...
  7. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Oh my gosh we had such a rough winter down here, not as bad as yours of course, but for us it was rough. I think my fertility issues are due to him having such a bad leg, his balance isn't very good and the hens can out run him, lol. I am hoping I can get at least a couple of decent cockerels to...
  8. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    No Jim, I have been working on my Rhodebars BUT I do have both SC and RC in the bator now. My SC has a bum leg so my fertility hasn't been great. Annie's mama only hatched out 1. The opossum destroyed two other clutches that 2 of my other SC's were sitting on. I also have half a dozen eggs under...
  9. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Here is a pic of Lil Orphan Annie Underwood. Her mama lost a fight with a opossum protecting her. Fortunately I had a brooder full of chicks close enough in age that I was able to add her to so she wasn't lonely. Penny
  10. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I also have the premier heat plate and love it and have another one on order. I will never artificially brood with anything else ever again. Penny
  11. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Stick some eggs under her, Sheri. Let them do the work. So far I have had 5 go broody. I also saw my two hens in with Rhodie both sitting in their nest yesterday and both were still sitting when I locked up last night. Penny
  12. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I am so glad to have found out as well. The thought that 1 of my hens could have done that was driving me crazy. Orphan chick is in with my F1's and although the first night was rough for her, she is doing good now and getting along with the other chicks. Penny
  13. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Well we caught the culprit that made my little chick an orphan, a big male opossum. He got another of my hens off of her nest but she was able to get into the corner of the coop behind a piece of hardware cloth that was propped against the wall. She is shaken but appears to be fine. Opossum bit...
  14. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    No, no game cam. I just can't imagine a predator that did not take any bites out of her. Her and the chick were on their nest in the hutch when I locked up last night. I am going to keep an eye open on that bossy hen. My son was in a dirt bike accident so I have been having to spend so much time...
  15. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    They all seemed fine. I have 3 that are setting on eggs and were still on their nests. The other 2 hens and the rooster were around the feeder eating. I have one hen that is a bit pecky and bossy but I have never seen her be overly aggressive. There was just no signs that it was a predator. No...
  16. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I went out to the SC coop this morning to find my mama hen dead and her baby running around the coop cheeping her head off. The hen was completely stripped of feathers down her entire neck, completely all the way around the neck. The feathers started in the rabbit hutch her and the chick sleep...
  17. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Here is a pic of my first hatchling of 2014. People don't think Heritage Reds go broody. Glad my Underwoods don't know that. So far I have had 3 setting eggs. Penny
  18. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Three of my Underwoods went broody during our coldest spell I can remember. I lost 1, Henroo, who was my favorite. Even with a heat lamp I guess she just couldn't make it. I didn't have much hope for the other 2 but they are hanging in there and still setting. I went out yesterday to find 1 cute...
  19. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Today I was noticing that my barnyard reds are looking like they are going into a molt, which I thought was odd. I was really worried about my Underwood Reds handling this heat since they were northern bred but so far they seem to be handling it pretty darn good. Penny
  20. melroseladi

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I sure didn't but I have plans for 1 to get roasted next week and I will take some pics. Penny
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