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  1. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    OK , I relapsed im back with the chickens, and lookin for some of these guys, anyone have any in the CT area? Just for eggs, but I like to keep true, to the ones I used to have in the early 90s!! Aldo
  2. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Start collecting them eggs people for incubation, im gonna need Many chicks in the spring, I wanna have atleast 50 or more reds, we have no one in CT that have any good Reds, and then I could help other people out here in New England :) Aldo
  3. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Hello Guys Just checking into say hello, Ive been so busy, my new shed is almost done, been putting the final touches on it, I really stepped it into high gear the last most, I hope everyone is Faring well this fall and wish my best to everyone, In the spring I will be READY for MANNNNNNNNNNNy...
  4. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Just checking In AND wanted to say HI!!!! Been really Busy with my meat rabbits and finishing My new Barn!! Hope everyone is faring well!! Aldo
  5. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Jimmyjay Those are AMMMMMMMAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZing looking birds......Stunning!!!!!
  6. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Thanx Fred, Ill def, look into that, as im now way near being a novice just thought id get alittle more of burger with the cheese, ya know what I mean lol
  7. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Yes!! lol.... I think we have more info in this thread than in those mags.. I havent been too crazy about it.
  8. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Anyone else here subscribe to the backyard poultry magazine?
  9. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    i shouldnt keep my pics thrown in a tote though
  10. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Darnit!!! I was lookin for a photo of me when I was 3 with a HRIR in 1986...cant find it anywere!!
  11. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Im sure with this Back yard chicken movement alot of people are getting into, we'd make a pretty dollar building coops and runs and hutches ya know what I mean??
  12. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I live in connecticut!! we know eachother....the leghorn or sex link thread
  13. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I never thought id be this excited about legs before......especially on chickens lol Aldo.... Thats right get to breeding people I want to buy MANY as soon as they are available lol I SO appreciate ya'lls hard work :)
  14. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Hey good job!!!! we should start a company!!!
  15. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Ahh you think I wouldn't? lol I actually enjoy the smell of fresh cut wood!!
  16. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I cant wait until Im done builing my 25x20ft barn with a loft and a little balcony off the loft window/door!!! and 30x15ft run!! its coming out so nice!! Im doing it all myself I should be done this fall...Not bad for a 29 yr old boy huh??!! lolMy father has taught me well!! Aldo Nowadays...
  17. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Ohb ive been hoppin alright..Ive been building hutches...kindling nest boxes would think im in 4h lol
  18. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Jeez I missed 2 weeks and 148 new posts!!! Love all the pics I saw...what amazing pics!! I just got 4 New Zealand white breeding does and have been busy with the rabbits!!!
  19. redrstr29

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I would of passed out, honestly lol .............Is it poisonous?
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