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  1. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Unless you are giving them supplemental light, they may not lay eggs until spring. Chickens need twelve to fourteen hours of light a day to lay. If you add light, you need to make sure that you do not stop until spring.
  2. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    More than the color is the difference. Look at the shape of the body and the angle of the tail. The RIR in the bottom picture are bigger too. The Production reds have a curve to their narrow backs that swoop up to a high tail angle. The tails are also pinched.
  3. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I do too. Get on a list for Spring and you may need to drive to pick up the eggs. A lot of the RIR breeders do not ship eggs.
  4. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    @chickenWill It is ok! A lot of people start off with production reds. The good news is that there are people on this thread that can help you get real RIRs.
  5. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Leggs should be yellow horn. The body does not make a brick so the shape is off. The color is light too. I think they are what is called a production red--At some time they came from a Hatchery. They are likely very nice chickens but would not do well at an APA Poultry show that judges based...
  6. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Go to Jimmy's page and click on more--There is productivity information there:
  7. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    It is best to get on a breeder's hatching list, otherwise you may need to wait another year after next Spring.
  8. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    You should know by now. Post pictures!
  9. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I have read some studies that do not show this happening. What you are seeing is a statistical rule not death by temperature. I do not have them bookmarked or saved but I have read poultry studies that show temperature does not work like that for hatching. There is no significant difference...
  10. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    If it were true, then the hatcheries would do it. It is actually a point retreat from the old heat changes gender like happens in some frogs. 1. someone posts that the correct temperature will make an egg male or female. It is pointed out that chickens do not work that way. 2. person not...
  11. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    High heat would have to be very high--like 102. It would cause females to die too. It is more likely that you have hens that are laying more eggs that have female embryos.
  12. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    If the membranes are already dried out, putting them into an incubator to raise humidity will not help. If they are stuck, you will need to assist them with hatching. Still put them into an incubator though. It is...
  13. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    That is what I thought! What a hatching year.
  14. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    How many do you need to process? The Fogle line is in very good shape. Walt Leonard recently posted that the best breeders do not hatch out hundreds of chicks a year. Maybe next year do not hatch out so many and hopefully you will have a better cockerel to pullet ratio. Get the friends...
  15. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Nice! Where did you get them?
  16. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    They should lay eggs for you in a week or so more. Moving to a new place stresses them out so they take a break. Of course they will likely molt this fall if the are over a year old.
  17. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Yes, he is still a baby! Give him one to two months and post more pictures. He looks good so far(for his age).
  18. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Go into your profile and make sure that email notifications are turned on. Then check your spam folder. If that all looks good, post here:
  19. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    The chick looks like a cornish. It looks like a pullet so far but check breed pictures of cornish the same age.
  20. ronott1

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I was hatching for a Dorking breeder and she was doing single mating. She was having fertility issues too. The suggestion was to separate the male to a different pen(no hens!) where he could see her by not mate her. Put them back together for two days and separate them again, repeating the...
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