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  1. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Right! After a leave of absence from BYC (taken mostly in the interests of getting other things done, like work) I am going to start contacting people who let me know they have photos to share - hopefully by now most of the early contributors should have very obviously sexed chickens now, as...
  2. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hi mother o'chicks 72, I just returned from hols this week so haven't looked at BYC in a while, hence the delayed reply. I guess if you post the pics in this thread, that would be interesting to readers and contributors, and would be easy for me to access in order to copy the pics across to my...
  3. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hi mother o'chicks72, they sound great, I'd be especially interested in the BR, BO, BLRW and EE for the moment. Concentrating on large fowl for now, and these are all breeds that I've already started putting photos together for or was intending to in the near future! Cheers, Mark
  4. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Thanks to the last katyhinmo, greensandjeans and allmychickens for your kind offers of photos. I reckon RIRs and Araucanas will probably be the next species I'll tackle, and I'll hopefully get round to Wyandottes soon as well! Best wishes, Mark
  5. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hey macbeth, Thanks for the post. I think it would be worth having a section for hybrid photos, but regardless of how many photos this accumulates I think that sexing most hybrid chicks (autosexing combos aside!) is always going to be an uphill struggle! This is because the combination of genes...
  6. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hi Perpetual Learner, Try following these instructions to upload your photos to BYC: 1. If you haven't done so already, transfer your photos from your camera to your computer 2. (optional) Change the filename of each photo so that it has the breed, age and (if known) the gender of the bird in...
  7. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hi babyrnlc! Thanks for your response. The pics of Dottie are great - if you can tell me what age each of the photos was taken at then I'll throw together an Ancona section based on these photos. I have to admit that with head gear like that I'd have assumed she was a roo as well from the...
  8. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Thanks for the continued interest! Beckyhsinglsc:- good idea - there's nothing to stop the run of photos shown for any breed extending to maturity (and beyond!) if there are interesting features to show misty skye:- welcome aboard! And if it turns out that you have gangsta Barnevelders I can't...
  9. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Dear erinangele DirtCreature and Tiss, thanks for your offers of photos which I will gratefully accept! I'll let you know when the sexing photo pages are ready for you to add to them. Might even be in touch before then if get around to putting photos together for any of those breeds under the...
  10. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hey Eris, RGBistro and JodyJo, thanks for your support, I'll be in touch when the project is ready for your pics! I don't think it will take many contributors before it becomes a really useful resource. Best wishes, Mark
  11. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hi All, We have started a project to assemble collections of photos to help people trying to sex their chicks. What we are aiming for, for each breed included in this project, is a collection of photos showing chicks of both genders at as wide a variety of ages as possible, up to an age where...
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