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  1. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Don't tell bama but I just skipped. Just stopping by to say hello! Hello! If I ever catch up to myself I'll be able to jump back in! Missing alot of good posts! and Pictures i saw quickly! OK got to go to bed have to work tomorrow morning. I'll be back.
  2. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    A few pics of my Easter Hal. Chicks. Silkies, 1 NN, 1 Showgirl And 1bowtie?
  3. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks! Ginger Ale! Yumm! I finally traded in my truck last week. It was 13 years old. I got a mid size SUV with better gas milage. But I will miss my hauling capabilty. Now I will have to borrow DSO's truck. which I don't like to do. I'm afraid it mught get hurt.
  4. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    I got Bama-eggs today! :weee A day early! In 3 weeks from tomorrow I'll have some :jumpy Bamachicks!
  5. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    X2 :drool
  6. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    CC I can't set eggs until on the first or second because the eggs wont be here until Friday and I was thinking they are supposed the set for 24 hours before giving them to the hen. :idunno
  7. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    The girls dad used to hunt a lot.Deer, squirrel, and rabbit. Of course it all tastes like chicken. Used to eat the hunted ones but not the pet ones. My daughter was heartbroken. She had no Idea he had that in mind when she got them.
  8. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    My daughter did rabbits for 4H. Her dad butchered them. He was the only one who who eat them.
  9. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Of course! (Just don't tell the dude that - I'm thinking he's not ready yet). I will post updates as they happen. First update - The eggs have left Mobile AL just after midnight.
  10. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

  11. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Cute bunnies! Congrats V! Caught up sort of for a while anyway. Yep - Dude told me the truth. I'm the customer. Dang those MIL anyway! A good deed never goes unpunished. Can't wait to get the eggs though. My broody BCM can't make up her mind which nest box she wants to use so it's all good...
  12. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    You're welcome and Best wishes to her, Ron.
  13. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Sorry about your wife Ron! That is difficult.
  14. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    @chickadoodles So sorry about your hip! ouch! Hope you Heal quickly! Now I want Ice Cream!
  15. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks Diva! How about you? Still hanging in there? If I read all the posts I'm behind on all my threads it would be over 4000 posts. I think i'll skim them.
  16. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    @Cynthia12 How have you been?
  17. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Sorry been gone so long! Been exremely busy with little energy and sleep to boot. But I hope things are getting back to normal soon. I hope. I tried to some catching up but there are so many posts, so little time. I have most of the rest of the day with nothing else to do but be on BYC so I'm...
  18. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    Glad it worked out so well for you Deb! Candida can infect people and most doctors don't think about it and most people don't even know about it. I had one Dr tell me I would have had to be severely ill with some immune deficiency thing to have that! Huh! Well I didn't go back to her again. ACV...
  19. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    We'll just use all the beautiful quiltings that @dsqard and @superchemicalgirl make. Those last one are gorgeous too! Welcome! Age is a state of mind! And for the record I'm 29. That's my story and I tell it how I want.
  20. chickwhispers

    The Old Folks Home

    You tube has now taken it down for copyright. I never got to see it.I'll take everyone else word it was cute. No matter what link you use it's gone.
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