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  1. Birdydeb

    Livestock guardian dogs

    Amen and amen. Thank you! I live in a rural area and the number of LGD's showing up in dog shelters is breaking my heart. Too many people setting their dogs up for failure because they don't understand the breed. I have 2 GP's and I tell people who ooh and your homework, research and...
  2. Birdydeb

    Livestock guardian dogs

    My two GP's do a FANTASTIC job guarding my chickens and ducks. I can't figure out why someone would tell you not to get GP's. Strange. :(
  3. Birdydeb

    Livestock guardian dogs

    Two years ago my sweet Boxer girl I rescued from a BYB died of cancer. My male GP mourned for weeks. She had been the first one to accept him as part of the pack almost from day one. My female GP was not as kind to him and for weeks it was just my Boxer girl and male GP playing together. The...
  4. Birdydeb

    Livestock guardian dogs

    "All of this is in response to the poster who claimed that a doberman would be no match for a coyote. That statement is a broad and grossly inaccurate generalization that ignores the many nuances that exist with this topic." I gotcha....and I agree. Just make sure you also don't underestimate...
  5. Birdydeb

    Livestock guardian dogs

    Sorry as the owner of 2 Great Pyrenees I have to agree with CASDOG1 and MrsBacbach. As said their size and all that hair, especially around the neck is so they can fight off multiple predators and they do not fold. They. Do. Not. Fold. Against any threat. They are relentless. I have seen them go...
  6. Birdydeb

    Livestock guardian dogs

    Great pyr can shut down easy in the face of danger its a breeding issue. Breeds become too popular they get watered down to fit city living and their work ethic becomes very poor. I nearly spit my drink out when I read this. Are you freaking serious! Oh my gosh! I guess my female Pyr was "shut...
  7. Birdydeb

    Livestock guardian dogs

    I beg to differ. While the jury is still out on how my two will react loose with my flock there is no doubt in my mind that nothing is going to mess with the chickens in their pen without us knowing about it. I have two Great Pyrenees, a male and a female. The male was raised with chickens and...
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