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  1. getaclue

    BYC Café

    I love the color of that kitten.
  2. getaclue

    BYC Café

    I'll pass on the brewed rats/mice too. Thanks for the coffee though.
  3. getaclue

    BYC Café

    Paper plates, and plastic utensils now. Funny thing is, I keep finding the plastic utensils in the sink, not the garbage. Go figure!
  4. getaclue

    BYC Café

    My grands have managed to break quite a few pieces of our Corel. The youngest was scraping her plate in the garbage after eating, with one of her utensils, then she's toss the eating utensil in the garbage too. I've bought cheap replacements to fill the gap, until they move out. Then I'll get...
  5. getaclue

    BYC Café

    When the numbers of important papers got to be so numerous, we bough a filing cabinet, and some folders. It's a lot easier to manage them, and quickly find what you need, when they're filed.
  6. getaclue

    BYC Café

    When I was young, we used comment that St. Petersburg Florida was full of old farts, usually driving big, heavy, Cadillacs. They were typically too short to see over the dashboard. Every so often, you'd see them sit up taller in the car, and a pair of glasses, and eyes peering just over the...
  7. getaclue

    BYC Café

  8. getaclue

    BYC Café

    I'd love to collect the feathers when they molt. I can think of a few things to adorn with them.
  9. getaclue

    BYC Café

    They're beautiful Sean.
  10. getaclue

    BYC Café

    I finished installing the misting system in the coops today. The chickens all seem pleased. When I got done, and turned it on, there were happy clucks from all of them. Even with our high humidity it does help. Between the fans, and the misters, the coop was very tolerable, even though it...
  11. getaclue

    BYC Café

    Shad, when I was growing up, most of the adults had pocket knives, even the women. My grandmother wore an apron, and carried hers in the pocket. Pocket knives are handy for quite a few things, but the best was when we'd head out to the garden, and pass a fruit tree. She would pick whatever...
  12. getaclue

    BYC Café

    I don't mix breeds either.
  13. getaclue

    BYC Café

    Sunny is adorable. Mini is a great dog, and to be given extra praise, and attention for putting up with a pup.
  14. getaclue

    BYC Café

    While most breeders normally tend to upgrade their lines, and breed for the best, dog breeds often tend to become popular as a trend. When that happens, it opens the door for a lot of unscrupulous breeders, that care nothing about the dogs, or the people they sell to. All they care about is...
  15. getaclue

    BYC Café

    Dh and I went to eat late yesterday afternoon (Cracker Barrel), and on the way back I noticed a sign that said German Shepherd puppies for sale. On a whim, we stopped in. We talked with the owner for quite some time. First off, the pups are at least 5 months old, and on the skinny side, with...
  16. getaclue

    BYC Café

    They can learn early as long as there is a lot of positive reinforcement, the training sessions are fun, and not too long at a time. Multiple shorter sessions work better than single longer ones. The allowance for age comes in when they get overly excited, as when you first return home...
  17. getaclue

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe. It's clear, and sunny for now, but will rain later. It's been raining off, and on after 3 pm for the past several days. That gives plenty of time to get things done in the mornings, and by the time it's so hot in the late afternoon, the showers cool it down.
  18. getaclue

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe. Got a pot on now.
  19. getaclue

    BYC Café

    The breaded tenderloin is ok, but I don't really like the sugar cream pie.
  20. getaclue

    BYC Café

    My neighbor is a professional dog trainer. She uses our family to help socialize her dogs, and with the training. Here are a couple of the current dogs she's been working with. I got tons of kisses today. Maggie (Lab) goes back to her owners tomorrow. I have watched her grow up. Don't...
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