chicken toys

  1. matthennessy

    What can I add to my chicken coop/run for them to climb on and play with?

    Hey yall, I have 2 hens in about 80 sq feet of floor space in a contained run. As much as I’d love to let them free range, we have neighbors directly around us and not a solid fence. The girls have about 80 sq feet and I give them buckets of dirt, salads, and grass clippings daily. I was...
  2. matthennessy

    Run space for 2 chickens

    Hey y’all, I have 2 black australorp hens in my backyard and they are currently in a 10x6 run with 2x3 coop. Although it’s said to have 10sq feet of space per bird, even having triple that with each of my birds getting 30 sq ft, they seem to always want more. Now I know this is normal and...
  3. matthennessy

    Chicken boredom busters? How can I keep them entertained in the run?

    Hey all! I have 2 laying hens in a 10ftWx6.5ftLx6.5H run (I will attach photos of our setup) but they constantly seem to be pecking,digging, and snooping around the edges and door of run where I come in and out. It seems like they spend all day looking for a way out as they can see the rest of...
  4. CluckingLucky

    The Rockin’ Roost by Cardinal Acres

    Introducing an evolutionary step forward to help the fight against Chicken-Boredom! What is The Rockin' Roost? It is a free-standing, 3 - Row, Chicken roost, that really ROCKS! The Rockin' Roost is the answer to SO many issues facing Poultry-People of today. Does your coop have little...
  5. Featherlove23

    DIY chicken toys

    Anyone got any pictures of chicken toys they've made. My flock is looking bored. And one of my roosters keep crowing all day. Want to try some DIY toys to entertain them. Preferably something I can make from stuff I may already have. Want a variety of things to try. Thanks in advance.
  6. CHlCKEN

    Chicken Toys

    It’s been rainy a lot, and we have had a lot of workers coming to work on a fence and things, this stuff leads to us having to keep our birds in their run all day with nothing to do. What are some fun toys and things I can put in for them?
  7. chickenbritt5908

    Cat tree... for chickens?!

    Random thought I had today while scrolling through amazon.. has anyone ever put a cat tree in their coop or run for their chickens? I thought how cool would that be? Remove the carpet of course for cleanliness reasons.
  8. CalBickieMomma

    Chicken Jungle Gym and Other Forms of Entertainment

    Hello! So I plan on getting around to making a swing for my chickens in their run, as well as a jungle gym for them, but I have a few questions (because I’m the type that always worries about what awful/harmful thing might possibly happen :P...). 1.) Has anyone ever made a ‘slack rope’ swing...
  9. chloeonz

    Handmade driftwood “jungle gym” for the chooks

    I have looked up so many ideas on pinterest for something the chooks can climb. There wasn’t a lot of variety but mostly people nail planks to tree trunks or have outdoor deck chairs available or build something. we have only just planted baby trees, and hubby doesn’t have time right now to...
  10. Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

    Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

    Many people out there long to have our feathered clucking friends, but may not be able to free range the flock as most people are able to do. Because of this many people end up not getting chickens because they think the flock will be unhappy if they don't have access to a large yard... Well...
  11. M

    Homemade Chicken Ladder Toy!

    Greetings my chicken enthusiasts! Today I would like to teach you how to make a very simple and fun toy for your chickens. You can go to the paragraph that you want. Each paragraph will tell you about a different thing. -Thank You -Paragraph 1 is the introduction -Paragraph 2 is the...
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