deformed egg

  1. Odd shape egg

    Odd shape egg

    This is front and back view of 'pillow' shaped egg one of my Barred Holland or Partridge Plymouth Rock hens layed recently. Shell feels heavy and thick. My 5 gals share a nest box and I've had no repeats but jus curious if anyone knows what this shape may be about?
  2. KLPT

    Deformed Egg??

    Hi guys, I have three jumbo quail hens that I keep in one coop all around 1 year old. They typically lay in the afternoon. This morning I found something really strange that seems to be a deformed egg. It is dark green, seems to have a leathery but also fragile shell. It must be from a hen...
  3. C

    Teratoma/ovary follicle egg? Help me identify what is wrong with this egg!

    Hello this is my first time posting on backyard chickens, am a daughter of a farm in NC and today while collecting eggs I saw an egg that stood out. The egg is shelled but extremely fragile to the touch. The weirdest part of this egg is the protrudence that comes out of the egg that had bled on...
  4. J

    Missing feathers

    So a little background. I thought that our rooster was ripping feathers out while mating as it was only 1 when-- so we got rid of him 😪 Now we have many hens missing feathers: back by the wings, on their back, in their neck (nite we do have one naked neck and are aware) -- WHY??? We have 7...
  5. Harmoni

    Deformed egg mixed with droppings, help!

    We have 2 rirs. One started laying about a month ago and the other a week later. We had 1 day this week with no eggs (normal), one egg yesterday and one this morning. When cleaning up the droppings, I found this! The dropping area was a bit wetter than usual as well. I feed them a layer crumble...
  6. tiawieclaw

    deformed egg

    my chickens started laying a few weeks ago and this morning when i collected the eggs i found this one. Is there something wrong with what their eating? (i feed them layena and i give them grit, corn, mealworms and the white shell grit thing) this is my first time raising chickens so I don’t...
  7. tarnte

    HELP! Is this a deformed egg or lash egg or egg yolk peritonitis?

    We are new to keeping chickens. We have 3 chickens at 23 weeks old (SLW, RIR and BO). SLW and RIR started laying at 21 weeks old. Only the BO hasn’t started laying yet. All of them have free choice feed of crushed oyster shell. This late morning we found this on the floor. Wasn’t sure who did...
  8. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Hen Laying Oddly Shaped, Flat-Sided Eggs

    My ISA Brown started laying at the end of August. At first, she laid daily supermodel eggs. We were so proud because she had only one month earlier been diagnosed with a heart murmur (after almost dying from heat stroke). She made a full recovery from the heat stroke incident and we'd been...
  9. chkva

    Egg with a hole and mystery layer

    I'm sure this is just because my chickens are new to laying just this week, but why is there a hole in this egg? They eat layer feed and get crushed up egg shells daily along with fresh fruits or veggies at night after they've eaten layer feed all day. What chicken could've laid this? It was...
  10. HeatherlyHash

    Multiple Slab Eggs

    Hi all! My first chickens are close to 9 months old now, and one of my hens has consistently been laying slab eggs. She is usually a daily layer, but for the past 2-3 weeks she has seemed to be skipping laying on some days and then laying 2 eggs the next day. I've gotten somewhere between 6 and...
  11. Cierabug

    Day 12 almost there !!!

    1 of the checked eggs and 1 of the porous eggs had stopped growing and didn't move at all so I took them out ( they had been like that for a few days ). The rest seem like they are doing good and kept wiggling around to the flashlight when candled. I can't wait for them to hatch :jumpy
  12. M

    Chick born with crusty inflamed bald spot on back

    Help! My hen hatched a chick this morning and he is deformed! He has this bald spot on his back that looks sore and inflamed. Other than that he is walking fine, eating a little, and making lots of noise! I have him inside with me. I made a little crate for him, heated, with bedding , food ,and...
  13. Their gram

    Hello from Texas

    Hi, I have chickens but am by no means a chicken pro. Today when gathering the eggs, I found the most bizarre thing I have ever seen! I am looking for info about it - surely someone else has seen such a thing. It might be a clone embryo trying to form on the outside of the egg of a Black...
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