dirty vent

  1. M

    Dirty feathers and lice treatment

    Hello, I treated my chickens for lice about 4 weeks ago. I used the strong 1 time treatment stuff. Nothing is crawling on them, some of the eggs are still attached to the feathers, but i check thoroughly and no mites are crawling around on any of my hens. Do those feathers that are covered in...
  2. C

    Buff Orp with a dirty butt and low energy

    Hi BYC community! Hoping you can help, I worry I have maybe been missing something important. One of my 7 free ranging chickens, a Buff Orpington, hasn't been making the jump through the 4' tall window into the hen house with the rest of the flock for a couple of months now and I've been...
  3. S

    Sick rooster, head down, dirty vent, mites?!

    I’ve been having a heck of a time with my chickens lately, finally thought I got it sorted out (I was giving them too many scraps and they weren’t getting enough protein) and the chickens are doing a lot better but now my rooster is sick. He’s been sick a few days. Started with lethargic and...
  4. Cocohens

    Sick chicken help!

    Hi all, Please help! My oldest chicken (3.5 years) is a bit off. She’s had very poo-y feathers around her vent (I have bathed her and cleaned her up) she also has pink on her legs and slightly purple under feet. It’s not bumblefoot because they aren’t swollen and no little black marks or...
  5. M

    Help my hen is sick!!

    Hello all!! I have a sweet hen mix that is sick...we received her a few weeks ago and she was laying healthy brown eggs. I'm adding photos to help troubleshoot- this is the feed we began giving to her and her eggs began to get soft every day.. Often they are broken before I can retrieve them...
  6. Chicken Chiquita

    Egg bound? NEED HELP NOW!

    So today i went outside to let my chickens out and my White Plymouth Rock is acting strange; she is kinda waddling, does not have much of an appetite, moves slowly, seams oblivious to surroundings, is puffed up, wings are out, and vent is bleeding (see pics). I'm thinking shes egg-bound. She was...
  7. hobbyhomesteader

    Dirty vents and deceased birds

    We've got (or had) 5 hens housed with 3 ducks. A couple of our hens have had chronic dirty vents and some diarrhea. They're housed in a huge outdoor pen (with coop inside) so it's not easy to tell who is laying or what poo looks like in great detail, but it's clear that 2 of them had diarrhea...
  8. W

    Sick chicken, help me help her!

    I have a golden comet hen. I do not know her age. I can tell she is sick but I have no idea where to start with healing her. Her symptoms started with a fallen comb. Then a "fairy egg" and diarrhea. Runny green and white droppings. Her vent is very gross, from the diarrhea. Its sticking to her...
  9. 7AcreFarm

    Prolapsed Vent

    Please help. Ive been tending to my hens prolapse and have reached a standstill. The problem is that her vent is so soiled with hard crusted on poop and I can not remove it. I've tried warm baths, olive oil... I can not put the vent back in until it is clean. Any ideas on what to do next. She is...
  10. T

    Dirty vent

    I just got a 4 yr old girl from a preschool yhat hatched her and kept her but wants to start fresh with new eggs so gave her to me. I am brand new at this. Ive had her 1 night. Her vent has white poop around it, and i am not sure but it sounds like she is occasionally sneezing. She also dug a...
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