
  1. M

    One Hen Two Roo?

    Do you see what I’m seeing? looking at the buffs- I think the one in the front is a hen and the two further back are roosters. Agree? I bought them April 18 so they are around 6 weeks old. Sorry these aren’t the best photos.
  2. A

    *EDITED with more photos*Hen or roo? 7ish week old EE

    Title pretty much says it all! Can someone help me determine if this is a hen or a roo. Bought from rural king and supposed to be all pullets. However they’re all the same age and she’s the only one with a bright red comb. She’s got major attitude, puffy cheeks. I’m a first time chicken owner so...
  3. R

    10 week old Blue Austrolorp "hen"?

    Our 10 week old blue austrolorp, Blue. I want to believe she is a hen... Help me out please.
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