integrating new birds

  1. LaurenMox

    New companion for dominate female turkey?

    Hello everyone. My family has to put down our male turkey, his health problems have gotten really bad and it's cruel to keep him suffering. We have a female turkey who does spend some time with him, but is very independent and has a dominant personality. Some of my family members say we...
  2. Bigbluefrog

    New coop and new pullets - help.

    hi! So I designed a new coop and thought everything would work out. Now that I have seven new pullets age 12 weeks and 4 year olds and 3 year old (6) hens. I am finding the young ones will get picked on. Thinking of adding a lower roost over the egg nests. Not sure what else to do. One hen has...
  3. Ginmary

    integrating a roo

    I have 3 hens: 1 Buff Orp, 1 Ameracauna, and one Silkie. They are all about 7 months old, hatched mid-April. We got another Silkie that was supposed to be a pullet but is definitely a roo. He was hatched 7/19 so is about 4 months old. I would like him to get along with the girls. Is it...
  4. Mrs Ugh

    Newly Integrating Hens Just Hide!

    Long story, but the short version is that I have 3 new hens (about 16wo) that I am trying to integrate into my flock of 9 1yo hens that were all raised together. They aren't killing "the newbies", but they chase them so much they all just hide all day. One is brave enough to come out a bit, but...
  5. fawnda

    Adding new ducklings of the same age to a different flock

    I have 3 Welsh Harlequin ducklings that hatched a few days ago and I found a lady not far from me who has Cayuga ducklings that also hatched the same time and I'd really like to add a couple to the brooder the Welsh Harlequin ducklings are in. Do I need to keep them separated for any reason if...
  6. ChitownChick

    integrating new flock members!

    I have three adult hens (I had a bad year and lost some) and am integrating 4 new pullets. Integrating new flock members is always a turbulent time, but one of my year-old hens is being especially spiteful and brutal, attacking my 7-week pullets with extreme vigor. I'm afraid she might cause...
  7. S

    Integration - tripling my current flock - issues

    I know there are hundreds of posts about integrating which I've tried to wade through but I might need some specific help if possible... I have had 5 ex free-range commercial hybrid chickens since last august, housed at night in a coop that would take 6-8, and totally free range round ¼ acre...
  8. mrsfoxypants

    Integrating 12 week old pullets - NOT going well!

    Hi guys! I need some help/re-assurance! This is the first time I have integrated new chickens to my existing flock. My existing flock is a year old - 5 Red Stars and 3 Black Stars. My newbies are 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Barred Rock, and 1 Americana. They are 12.5 weeks old. I built a little baby...
  9. EggMan207

    Integration idea/question: new girls, and new coop

    So, I have 8 existing girls in a coop/run. I bought 8 more that are 6 weeks. I also bought a new coop. The last integration I did was really rough/violent. So, I had an idea. What if, I put the new girls in the new coop until the are 14-16 weeks by themselves. Then, integrate the older ones 2...
  10. G

    Hen tries to kill incubator baby

    I’m feeling sad & concerned. Our hen hatched 4 chicks, I was able to introduce the first incubator chick hatched a few days later with no problem. Yesterday I tried to introduce another newly hatched chick and the hen is pecking at it, she won’t accept it at all & May have actually pecked a hole...
  11. Lauryn229

    $75 DIY 175 sqft Safe Chicken Run / Play Pen!

    Bumble Bee is my 3 year old Barred Rock who has been the sole member of the flock for the last 2 years. She gets along with the dogs and cats by letting them know she’s the boss. She rules the backyard! She is extremely loving with a huge personality and always wants our attention. So, our...
  12. AccidentalChickenLady

    Quarantine with only one bird left in original flock?

    Hey BYCers! It's been a rough first year of chicken-raising for us... We started out with five chicks 10 months ago, and are now down to one. One chick died a few days in (OK, that happens); one EE died at about 5 months old (she was cross-beaked and never recovered from a beak trim); our RIR...
  13. ChitownChick

    Should I get some silkies?

    Hi Y'all, I'm already looking forward to chick season next spring and deciding what breeds to add to my flock. I currently have 5 outdoor hens--3 old RIRs, 2 younger Isa Browns--that live in a substantial coop and covered run that my husband and I built ourselves (we have a small business doing...
  14. purplerice27

    Chickens won't Stop Pecking New Bird!

    Hi! I just recently acquired a Leghorn from a friend of mine. I have an existing flock of 2 ISA Browns (5 months) and an oversize Polish bantam and an undersized white unknown rooster. I've kept the Leghorn and my flock separate for 4 days now, but they have access to each other and are only...
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