
  1. C

    Can free range birds have a smaller coop?

    Hi all, new poster here. I am increasing the size of my flock from 5 to 15. In the last couple months, my current chickens figured out how to get out of the run I had fenced in for them (multiple jumps to the top of the coop, then over the fence). I eventually decided to just give them free...
  2. H

    What Size (Sizes?) Should I Make Nesting Boxes

    So I’m going to be building nesting boxes. I have a huge variety from a small Spitzhauben to Brahma and Jersey Giant. So how large should these nesting boxes be. Should I make them all one size or should I make different sized ones to suit the different birds. I was planning 12” deep, 12” tall...
  3. ChellesChicks

    Selling Ungraded/Unsized Eggs in California

    I've been doing a lot of research about selling eggs for food in California from my backyard flock of about 20 hens. The one question I can't seem to find the answer to is if I am required to grade and size eggs. Does anyone know the answer to this? I know I need an egg handlers permit and if I...
  4. Starlings and dogs

    right size bird cage

    i would like to know how big of a cage i need to spoil my two new starlings they are around the same size as cockatiels but need to fly because that is how they get all there exercise
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