
  1. K

    Snack Feed

    I was buying a snack mix for my chickens, it was corn, some grain seeds, oats, and meal worms (something to that effect). Anyways, I wanted to just make my own bigger match of snack mix for them. Lately I was doing meal worms, a scoop of chicken scratch, dried oregano, and some Feather Fixer...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Goldfish War!!!

    I know I just started another war the other day but this came up and it couldn’t wait. LOL Do you like Goldfish!?!?!? The snack not the fish LOL Specifically Pepperidge Farm brand but I will accept off brands too lol any cheesy cracker snack. This stuff.
  3. Michael A

    I have not lost anymore hens after making these changes

    All 6 hens from my first year died 4 from egg yolk peritonitis. Chicken ownership was tough on my chickens physically and me emotionally the first year as I lost chicken after chicken. I had my perches too high and one fell off, a predator got into the fenced in area and got one but the disease...
  4. Jessica Lyn

    What is the best Coturnix quail feed

    Hey! I've been going thru and finding different feed info and I KNOW I'm overthinking it. Can you guys help me out a bit and let me know what food you feed yours with? And what extras or 'snacks' they enjoy having in their diet in addition to the normal feed ? I found the starter grower I...
  5. miiichaelnielsen

    Hens HATE Soldier Flies?

    I bought a huge bag of those soldier fly larvae treats for them and none of my girls act even remotely interested in them. I've tried both dry and rehydrating them with no avail. What gives? I thought they be going crazy over them. I'm mostly just curious if anyone else has had this experience?
  6. J

    Hot weather treats

    We live in Maryland and have a flock of nine 11-month olds, 17 that are 4-1/2 month olds, and 8 that are 3-1/2 months old. This is our first summer with them so I’m being cautious of the heat waves even though we intentionally purchased heat tolerant breeds. We have feed custom made without...
  7. sofiagrace901

    Yummy Summer Snacks

    Hello everyone! I spoil my chickens a lot.. especially in the summer. Tennessee gets hot and humid! I thought it would be nice to share some of the snacks I feed my hens in the summer. 1. Frozen Coconut Oil Cubes: For these I simply mix oats and coconut oil (you can put some banana in there...
  8. Peas


    They loves peas
  9. Sacri

    snacks for chickens

    CABBAGE: I had read a post about hanging a head of cabbage up with rope but a few commenters said their chickens got tangled up so here is what I did: First, I just ran a rope through a few leaves. Once they realized the cabbage wouldn't hurt them (silly chickens) they ate it really fast so I...
  10. Scotty from BI

    I gave my flock too much protein

    I had no idea I was causing damage to my flock by giving them too much protein. Dehydrated grubs, (black soldier fly larve) can be ordered in bulk which I did. I threw out about a cup of bugs to my flock of 10 adult large breed chickens. I figured it's cold and they have been molting so they...
  11. Wil781

    Is feeding fodder or sprouts considered snacks?

    My girls can't free range because of neighborhood dogs so I grow fodder and sprouts for my hens, I want them to have the greens that they miss out on. Occassionally I will give scratch, cabbage on a string or frozen ears of corn on a string, but only occassionally. I also feed fermented...

    Snacks for my Pekin ducks???

    well I’ve been trying to do some Research and find some things to add to my ducks garden. Lol, yes they have their own garden… It is a raised flower bed that I have taken some wild strawberries from her yard, which they love, and placed them in there (the clovers grew to close and the aren’t...
  13. jsullivan704

    Hot weather, how to keep them cool?

    I have two ducks, and two geese. This weekend we are getting really high temps for where I live, enough that I don’t even want to walk outside. They have two pools and fresh water all day, is there anything else I can do for them just so they aren’t miserable? Or will the pools be fine? Also...
  14. Keeperoflock

    Trying To Understand This.....

    I have 17 ten week old chicks. Their main food is the grower feed. Once they are on the layer feed should I be able to feed "more" snacks? Right now, I give them a snack around every other day. Like tomatoes, yogurt, meal worms, grass clippings. Stuff like that. Am I doing this right?
  15. B

    What are some treats to give baby chicks? And should you?

    I have seen people post they give their baby chicks anything from tuna, to eggs, and other things. These are our first eggs we have hatched. We have 12, can you give them treats and what can you give them? We have raised chicks from tractor supply before, but hatching our own was so much more...
  16. iosRANDALL

    Sunflower seeds - a problem?

    FOOD FOR THOUGHT -NOT THE GUT... I’ve no science to go on here -just some thoughts and deducing. Just something to consider maybe... My wife is in the habit of throwing handfuls of unshelled sunflower seeds to the chickens in their coops when she is reloading the wildbird feeders. As I thought...
  17. 8ponygirl9

    Silkie diet

    hi there, I'm getting a silkie chick on Feb 9th and I've raised ducks but not a chick what's the absolute best diet for her? Will fruits and veggies be introduced when she gets older?
  18. SeaAggieShelby15

    Afternoon snack

    Some cut on squash and seeds. Whatcha think? My hens loved all three plates!
  19. Hopethehen

    Nice chicken snacks

    Looking for snacks? i have the perfect thing. To have one of the best chicken snacks, give them eggs! Boiled, scrambled, they go crazy for that stuff! And you could either mix the eggshells with it, or use the eggshells for your garden. Eggshells keep away snails! Just ask me, i tried it...
  20. MatildaJane

    Best Snacks?

    Hello there everyone, I have two chickens named Matilda Jane, And Margalo Jane.They are both Ameraucanas'. I was wondering what is the best Snacks and food? They are both six months. Presently we are feeding them chick crumble food from a local grain company. I am just wanting see what your...
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