strange bahavoiur

  1. Layla_Chickens

    Broody hen!

    I while back I posted about my broody hen and how she was so eager to hatch. Since that day she has still been broody and I have no Idea what to do. I have taken her eggs then have let her laid them, i've separated her then put her back, I've even hand fed her in fear that she'll starve. She...
  2. arstarr

    Has anyone ever had a chicken repeatedly jump up and down just before laying an egg?

    << video linked below >> This is my sweet blue copper maran, Pippin. She's been laying since September 2023. A very odd layer, she laid every single day for the first month and then took three months off. She's now back to a fairly consistent every other day, but she's started a new pre-laying...
  3. C

    What The Heck Is This Sound My Rooster Is Making?

    Hey everyone, I have one rooster named Steve. Steve is a rumpless rooster who is seven months old and has never grown a tail. Tonight I heard him making this strange, moaning sad sound. I have never heard a chicken make this sound before. Steve has been separated from my hens for a few weeks...
  4. chicksonline

    weird rooster behaviour

    my nearly year old rooster has now started to sit in my girls next boxes and male this weird purring sound anyone know what he’s doing? nothing wrong with him i’m just curious i’ll gonna a way to attach the video
  5. Scissors65

    Wrong Egg Song!

    I'd like to Introduce Scarlet. My mixed up pullet! My two leghorns have been laying since week 18. My two New Hampshire are now 22.5 weeks and have not started laying yet, nor do I think they are near ready. But..... This little lady sings the Egg Song! Every time my leghorns go into the coop...
  6. N

    Poorly runner, strange quack and panting! Help please!

    Hi! We noticed our year old runner made a strange noise yesterday when she quacked- we kept a close eye on her yesterday and noticed she was resting a great deal and every now and again began panting. This behaviour seemed to stop after a long drink and she seemed ‘normal’ again although no...
  7. L

    Hen is not laying or going broody

    Hi, I have 4 hens, three of them hatched together and the other one is one month later. They are around 9-10 months old now and all living together happily. One of the hen I am questioning is a Goldtop, a cross between silkie and light Sussex. She is very easy to go broody. In average once...
  8. K

    Chicken Not Acting Like Self

    Hi! We have a Welsummer that is about 7 months old. Normally when I go into the coop in the morning to give the hens some worms, she runs straight up to the door and is clucking very loudly. We noticed the last couple of days she has been very quiet, moving slowly, and sleeping a lot standing...
  9. JustJaxson

    I need help!

    So I have a pretty bad problem. I went to Hawaii for a week and when I came back I noticed my chickens where skidish and timid but that’s probably because I’ve been gone for a week. But my buff polish is acting really strange, mind you I have taken her to showmanship at the county fair and I...
  10. MageofMist

    Chickens and Uncanny Valley?

    After bringing some Halloween stuff down, I have found out chickens can feel uncanny valley just like humans can, but in regards to things that look human but are different. They are completely fine with strangers, ranging from young kids to old people, and with large and small objects they are...
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