
  1. B

    Hot weather, no freezing...watering cups or nipples?

    Aloha, We live on the Big Island of Hawaii where it is hot and never freezes. I've read a lot of threads about watering cups vs nipples and it seems most recommend the nipples. It seems that the recommendation is because cups eventually get dirty, but mainly because cups can freeze during the...
  2. AmberLittlejohn

    Broody hen isn't eating or drinking

    Hello! I have a diehard hen sitting on eggs and boy is she grumpy. In the past she has gotten off to eat or drink once a day but she's not budging. I gave her some blueberries yesterday but I'm concerned about her dehydrating. Do I put a hamster water bottle in her nesting box or what?
  3. C

    Chick not drinking water

    Guys i have a few months old chick she was fine but past few days she is just eating and not drinking water she is fine she eats play and do everything like normal chick but idk why she is not drinking water i even tried to push her head (half) into water but she just ignore :(
  4. lunahills

    How to keep waterers from leaking over the edge?

    This seems like an odd question but I wonder if I’m doing something wrong. Every waterer that I’ve tried leaks over the edge. Is there something I could do to prevent so much water from coming out into the tray at one time?
  5. Miceeatingchicken

    I have super chickens! They survived a mini cyclone and recently an arctic blast in Oklahoma

    For those who have watched my previous YouTube video, you may be wondering what happened to my ladies after the mini cyclone and that bloody event in the coop where a cuckoo maran hurt its claw. For those who don't know, I'm a new chicken mama, got my chickens at about a month old in October...
  6. Leov

    Trouble with Winter Water Set Up

    We have a 5 gallon plastic container, with 8 nipples, with an electric de-icer inside. While the water on the bottom half remains liquid, the nipples themselves are freezing up and we and we need to de-ice them each morning. Already broke two nipples doing this. The water container sits in a...
  7. A

    Clear discharge from chicken eyes? HELP!

    Hi all. I purchased 3 young warrens around a week ago (first timer), yesterday I noticed 1 very lethargic, when looking closer I Noticed one eye was watering (clear discharge) and partly closed. A day later I noticed both eyes are watering (clear discharge only - not foamy/bubbly at all). There...
  8. A

    please give me the chicken basics:)

    do my hens really need grit and oyster shells? if so would y'all mind recommending some brands for me? and also feel free to list some things you wish someone would've told you when you first got chickens. i'm a new owner and i want to give my girls lots of activities to do and keep them...
  9. Alicat4244

    Gotta do what ya gotta do when your hot I guess lol

    She figured out how to cool off and I figured out why their water was getting dirty so quickly !
  10. martinliss

    Is there such a thing as a reliable automatic watering device?

    I have four hens. I've tried at least 3 different devices all of which attach to a garden hose and contain a float valve that's supposed to allow the container to fill the water container to a certain point and then shut off. All have worked for a few weeks and then for some reason the float...
  11. R

    Oatley pvc primer and cement safe for quail watering system ?

    I recently made a watering system for my quail and I connected the pvc together with Oatley pvc primer and cement. Will the primer and cement hurt the quail at all or make them sick?
  12. KadeSilkies21

    Alpaca Help Needed!

    We have just finished building a paddock and shelter as we are planning to get goats. I heard that alpacas are good herd protectors. We do have many foxes here and i absolutely love alpacas so I thought why not!? I know the basics on keeping alpacas and that they drink plenty. They will be in a...
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