Brittle eggs


Apr 12, 2021
I have one girl out of 9 that lays the most fragile, thin eggs now. She’s three in April. I have oyster shell out and give them back their egg shells crushed to supplement calcium. They have cracked as she’s laid, I’ve watched, or they crack when I try to pick them up. I’m afraid one will break inside of her as she’s laying. Is there anything I can do? This is yesterdays egg. She lays about twice a week maybe. This egg is cracked/dented on the top.
She’s a golden comet. Thank you!


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It may be a shell gland issue, which can't be fixed, but it won't hurt trying to boost her calcium temporarily to see if that helps harden the shells enough that she can pass them safely. You can get calcium citrate tablets (same as the ones for humans) and pop a pill in her mouth daily or every other day for 1-2 weeks, and see if there's improvement.

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