
Mar 21, 2024
Hello! Not new to chicken raising in general (variety of mutts at former workplace) but finally new to having my own chickens at home! I acquired 2 welsummers, 2 brown leghorns (I'll not know the difference between those four until their earlobes change), and 2 buff orpingtons from a local feed store. Unsure where they acquire their chicks, but they are popular for their health and price there.

One buff orpington has its nice buff color on its wings and tail, but the other has spotting! Brown, black and white! Feathers on its back and its breast are all red/brown with white tips. Not as I was expecting for a buff! These little 2.5 week old cuties, the known buff is on the right. But what is the one on the left? It also had a black spot on the top of its head, unlike the one on the right. Legs are a little more gray than the buffs pink/yellow


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That would make my heart happy if it is an Easter egger. The feed store was out of them when I went! I have a good mystery and I'm excited to watch them all grow!
With that chick pattern it could definitely be an EE.
Can't tell exactly from the pics but it kind of looks like it has a beard :confused:
Does it have muffs and/beard? What kind of comb?
With that chick pattern it could definitely be an EE.
Can't tell exactly from the pics but it kind of looks like it has a beard :confused:
Does it have muffs and/beard? What kind of comb?
No obvious muffs or beard, and it appears to have a single comb.

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