Can sour crop cause paralysis in a chicken?


Oct 13, 2020
My 4 year old barred had sour crop just last week (for the second time). We were on the mend (yesterday she was acting almost completely normal) then this morning she is unable to walk, has stopped eating and drinking.

Can a bad case of sour crop cause a chicken to be unable to walk or stand? Doesn't seem like it should but maybe I'm missing something.
Can a bad case of sour crop cause a chicken to be unable to walk or stand?
No but excess tumor growth can cause the crop to back up and go sour and the tumors can also get large enough to press on the nerves of the legs causing paralysis.
Have you palpated her abdomen?
This being the second time she's developed sour crop, it seems as if she is suffering from something more insidious than just a slow crop.
She passed away last night 😢 I did feel her abdomen and it wasn't particularly swollen. My gut tells me she probably did have some tumors which caused the sour crop.

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