Canadian clear weed safe for chickens?


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2023
I have what I believe to be Canadian clear weed

I have a small area that was dirt outside my coop that I'm trying to fill with weeds I've pulled from my garden and other I didn't want them
If this is what I think it is and if it is safe for chickens to eat then I think I'll plant it there

If not than I plan to mulch it

So far I've got clover, wood sorrel (chickens favorite it seems), purslanen violets, and random grass planted around (any ideas what else I can plant would be welcome, I put some basil in a pot though it seems my chickens don't like basil)

My plan is to let the plants grow tall enough that my little flock won't completely kill them when their finally let out into the yard


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Never heard of it. But don’t worry too much. Your chickens will eat what they want and ignore the rest. Even if a plant is slightly toxic it is unlikely your chickens will eat enough of it to poison them. Common weeds such as grass, dandelions, lamb quarters, stinging nettle are liked by chickens and have lots of protein. I grow a vegetable garden and orchard so there is lots to feed my birds. I do grow comfrey which is a plant that is well suited to chicken runs and has low fibre high protein leaves in abundance. Recommend. It would require a protective cage to get established first. For ideas on mixing chickens into your garden check out the book Free Range Chicken Gardens. There is a review of it here in these forums.
I mostly want to know if it's worth planting since it has grown in some random dirt pots I had set around, idk if it has been around in my yard with my last flock since I also had a goat then and they eat most things

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