Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Well no roof here. Raining again. We saw a deer acting odd out in the field beyond the pasture. Walking in circles and looking lost. Turns out she was giving birth. Hopefully the fawn stays out of the hay field if we ever get around to cutting it. Looks like a lot of poor quality hay for first cutting. It's going to seed, or as my husband says it heading out. That's farmers lingo. I guess I don't need to water the garden boxes today.

The Korean lilac has been blooming. I always forget how bad that stinks. I'm not a fan of the lilac smell. Don't know why I planted one except husband likes it.
There are some huge lilacs that have been on the property much longer than I have. The smell reminds me of home: there was a beautiful lilac bush at the end of the driveway at my folks'.

Sorry no roofing is getting done. No mowing here today, either. But pretty cool about the doe and fawn.

I heard ferocious growling under the ramp a little while ago. Don't know who made the kill but while four kittens slept, the two orange ones split a mouse -- one got the head and the other got, and intended to KEEP, everything else. Tiny, cute, fuzzy killers!
There are some huge lilacs that have been on the property much longer than I have. The smell reminds me of home: there was a beautiful lilac bush at the end of the driveway at my folks'.

Sorry no roofing is getting done. No mowing here today, either. But pretty cool about the doe and fawn.

I heard ferocious growling under the ramp a little while ago. Don't know who made the kill but while four kittens slept, the two orange ones split a mouse -- one got the head and the other got, and intended to KEEP, everything else. Tiny, cute, fuzzy killers!
Wow!!!!! They’re hunting already!?
There are some huge lilacs that have been on the property much longer than I have. The smell reminds me of home: there was a beautiful lilac bush at the end of the driveway at my folks'.

Sorry no roofing is getting done. No mowing here today, either. But pretty cool about the doe and fawn.

I heard ferocious growling under the ramp a little while ago. Don't know who made the kill but while four kittens slept, the two orange ones split a mouse -- one got the head and the other got, and intended to KEEP, everything else. Tiny, cute, fuzzy killers!
The mom probably brought it back for them to practice on. Should be great mousers. Ours were well taught by their mum.

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