Droopy, poopy and crusty

Betty Draper

In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2021
My favorite girl had diarrhea overnight, mostly white poop with quarter sized amount of brown. Droopy comb, that’s red and clear golden crusties around both nostrils this morning. I used Vet Rx this morning on comb and beak. Chicken run free during the day. I plan on separating her tonight. Unfortunately I have to work today or I would’ve done it already. I wanted to call in, believe me!!

I usually de worm in spring and fall. I didn’t this year bc I’ve read so many articles, some here that it’s not necessary and I hate throwing away eggs. Any clue what is going on?

I did catch my chickens in a flower bed yesterday, kicking dirt in each others faces. Thought maybe the crusting cause.
Spring time is worm time, worm her and your other chickens with Valbazen or Safeguard.
Dont be misled about not worming chickens. They constantly peck the soil picking up worm eggs and swallowing them. They get worms like dogs and cats.

Keep her isolated away from the other birds due to the "crusties" around both nostrils. Hopefully she doesnt have the onset of a respiratory disease. Have you introduced new birds into your flock with or without quarantining them?
It's also possible she mightve inhaled feed dust while eating or dust while taking a dirt bath.
Thank you. I separated her last eve, deep cleaned their run, feeders and waterers after work last night and started de worming this AM. Trying to get her to eat, seems to be drinking some, so will continue to monitor. Will never change my routine again after this!!
Noticed yesterday prolapsed vent. Caused by diarrhea or cause of diarrhea, IDK. Deworming day 4, stopped antibiotic, giving ACV leafy greens, grapes, some feed Multi-vit and STILL separated. Cleaning her booty w/ warm water then pushing prolapse back in. I thought there was a poop stuck in prolapse, tried gently squeezing to remove no luck. Now wonder if it just loose poop that dried and is covering the prolapsed “intestine”. Less sunlight and less food but more supplements. I do not feel an egg in the vent, no bulging around the vent. I really thought I was tough but, I need it fixed so I don’t have to…..you know!

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