Early Bumblefoot or just an injury?


Jun 10, 2022
So after routine checking of my flock I noticed this on the bottom of Butter's feet. I was instantly worried of bumblefoot so I took action. After soaking her feet in a warm epsom salt bath (which she hated) I began to check out the area. Her feet have a slight pink color to them, no hardness, these spots seem to be slightly irritated but after attempting to see if there was any infection or kernels present there were none, only bleeding from the site. I proceeded to cleanse the area with veterciyn, apply neosporin without pain reliever, apply a nonstick guaze and wrap her feet.

This picture is 24 hours after the noticing of the area. I'm wondering if these are just lacerations to her feet and I was able to catch it before it became full blown bumblefoot? She's not limping, no pain, eating and drinking normal, her feet feel tender and squishy without any hard spots.

Should I continue this treatment to avoid bumblefoot? Is there anything else I can do?


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Yes, you caught it before the wounds became infected with staph bacteria and became bumblefoot. You may continue with soaks for another day or two, but it's not really necessary. Just keep the antibacterial ointment on the foot and bandage it to keep dirt out. By the third day there should be a decent thin tan scab forming and the bandage will then not be needed.

Continue to check the foot each day for signs of inflammation of the surrounding tissue which would indicated bacteria is beginning. Then you would go back to soaking the foot and bandaging it again.

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