Hail Mary: Vitamin E?


12 Years
Jul 3, 2011
I've got a Black Australorp hen, nearly 9, who began failing seriously a week ago. She went off her feed and water, and began walking less. This beautiful old girl has been sitting slightly off-kilter, toward the left, for months, but otherwise behaving normally, if eating a little less and not quite as active as the other elders. In mid-December, she seemed to be failing but rebounded. Not so this time. In the last few days, she has begin sitting with her right leg splayed out to the side. I suspect progressing tumors that are now causing neurological symptoms because of metastases or fluid pressure. She does not seem to be in pain, yesterday she actually drank and today ate a tiny amount. She is able to move the leg in the shavings and, I can tell, would like to get up. But when I gently lift her and attempt to set her down squarely, she flaps her right wing, extends that leg and again settles on her left side.

At her age, I am guessing whatever she has is terminal, but as a long shot, I am wondering what Vitamin E supplement I might try, as I know a deficiency can cause paralysis/neurological issues. I feed Flock Raiser and none of my other birds is having any other issue. However, she has eaten less regular ration and more scratch and treats over the past few months, so perhaps she does have a deficiency. Anyway, it's worth a try.

Can I just split a human Vit. E cap (what strength?) and drizzle the oil on whatever she'll (maybe) eat? I am not going to forcibly pill her and risk causing pain or discomfort when this is a long shot.

FYI, I am not looking for advice to euthanize. I've weighed and will continue to weigh that option carefully.
Don't open that Vit E. She won't eat anything with that mixed in as it's nasty. I've tried it.

Just open her beak and pop it in. Pull down her wattles if you have to. I'm assuming yours is around 400 i.u. and she can have the whole thing.

I would also scramble her up some eggs for the selenium to help the Vit. E.

Gosh she's 9 though. Maybe this would help her but she's up there in age. :hugs
Don't open that Vit E. She won't eat anything with that mixed in as it's nasty. I've tried it.

Just open her beak and pop it in. Pull down her wattles if you have to. I'm assuming yours is around 400 i.u. and she can have the whole thing.

I would also scramble her up some eggs for the selenium to help the Vit. E.

Gosh she's 9 though. Maybe this would help her but she's up there in age. :hugs
Yes, she is, which is what makes me suspect cancer.

Any ideas for a Vit. E. supplement I could put on food? Rooster booster? I'm solo here, and even were I so inclined, could not get a Vit. E cap into a large hen who is off balance and who struggles when being handled. It's a long shot and just not worth forcing her. (I am offering eggs along with anything else I think she might eat, but she's not much interested.)

P.S. Update: Just went to the local feed store, where a fellow chicken-keeper told me she uses the oil from split 400 IU caps on food for her hens. She sent me home with a few so I could try, and my girl didn't seem bothered by the taste; maybe it was the ground beef beneath, but it didn't dissuade her. So maybe chickens feel differently about it than humans.
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