Help gosling cant hold up head cant walk


In the Brooder
May 18, 2021
Help I have a Sebastopol gosling who hatched out 4 days ago it had a hard hatch meaning it external piped started and stopped I had to assist and I think it was in egg to long. It can't walk or hold its head up I've giving the poly vitiams without iron and selenium with vitiam E. It will eat and drink but I have to make sure it can get to food. There's nothing wrong with legs did swim therapy and legs work fine it just looks like it can't hold its weight and keep its head straight to get on his feet can anyone who's dealt with this help me fix this baby
Maybe it's rye neck? Im not sure if geese can get that but I'm just trying to be helpful.☺️ Hopefully someone who knows more can help you soon.
I've been giving it selium drops with vitiam E read that's the treatment for wry neck. Is there anything else I can do for it it uses its head lunges forward and Scouts to move
Sometimes goslings that have had a difficult hatch need time, vitamin supplements, and TLC to gain enough strength to hold up their heads and to walk properly. Can you post a video of your gosling so we can see how it moves and holds its head?

If the gosling is eating, drinking, and pooping normally (and if the cause of the issue isn't something like a neurological problem), its condition may gradually improve. Best of luck!
Sometimes goslings that have had a difficult hatch need time, vitamin supplements, and TLC to gain enough strength to hold up their heads and to walk properly. Can you post a video of your gosling so we can see how it moves and holds its head?

If the gosling is eating, drinking, and pooping normally (and if the cause of the issue isn't something like a neurological problem), its condition may gradually improve. Best of luck!
Hi, my gosling is having the same problem. It had a hard time getting out of its shell so I helped. It’s been sleeping in its brooder half a day now. I know my chickies dragged themselves around when they first hatched, but at least they are using their feet. My gosling only tumbles around the brooder.
It is not eating or drinking (i have water set out for it and tried to make i drink) so I can’t give it vitamin or anything
It takes at least 12-24 hours to get their legs under them under a normal hatch. Hard hatches can take 2-3 days. Perfectly normal to not eat or drink for at least 24 hours. I usually do not offer food/water in the first 24 hours.

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