Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

I agree, but she IS a hen. They weren't that large last year. They've grown during/after her 1st molt this past winter. I assure you She IS a SHE & WAS laying eggs from Dec '22-Oct '23 & did NOT used to crow at all! 🤷🏻‍♀️ She's my daughter's favorite...she said "why is MY hen the 1 in a million with a gender identity crisis?!?" It's almost like our hen knows she lives near Portland, OR. 🤦🏻‍♀️Poor thing .. If there's anyway to get her to shut up (eggs or not) we'd keep her, but we're not allowed to have a roo older than 3 months of age -due to the crowing... technically if we pissed off our neighbors and they got the city involved we ARE IN COMPLIANCE! But I'd rather she shut up to not go down that road! Or we'll have to give her to the nice lady at our local Mom Pop feed store. She has offered to take her. She has many hens & a roo. But of course my daughter is trying everything under the sun first. 😊
She is turning into a rooster by the sound of it. Sorry.
The only thing I can think of that may or may not help is to introduce (or increase) foods high in phytoestrogen such as flax seeds, sesame seeds, brocolli, kale & soy. If it estrogen related this may help.
Thank you ☹️At least we've found her a nice farm to live out her days. Probably have to send her there soon, once my daughter says goodbye. 😢Thank you for your time & caring ways!
If she doesn’t get any worse, there is nothing anyone can do since she is still genetically a hen
I have a hen with a similar situation (reproductive issue). At first she used to crow every morning and throughout the day for around 3 months but after a bit she has only crowed sometimes. She shouldn’t be loud in the fall and winter and she should quiet down over time. I also wouldn’t get rid of your chicken as technically she is still a hen and your laws say no roosters, not no crowing hens ;)
I have a hen with a similar situation (reproductive issue). At first she used to crow every morning and throughout the day for around 3 months but after a bit she has only crowed sometimes. She shouldn’t be loud in the fall and winter and she should quiet down over time. I also wouldn’t get rid of your chicken as technically she is still a hen and your laws say no roosters, not no crowing hens ;)
I have a hen with a similar situation (reproductive issue). At first she used to crow every morning and throughout the day for around 3 months but after a bit she has only crowed sometimes. She shouldn’t be loud in the fall and winter and she should quiet down over time. I also wouldn’t get rid of your chicken as technically she is still a hen and your laws say no roosters, not no crowing hens ;)
I agree
Hi! This is my 1st post! ANY suggestions are welcome!!

My almost 2 yr old Buff Orpington was laying last year, Stopped to moult & decided to start crowing in February. She started laying in March, for the season, but only laid 2 eggs & they where both soft shelled. She hasn't laid any since!!

I've tried separating her from the others 3 days, to reintroduce her. Thinking of she wasn't too hen she wouldn't crow. Worked 3 days...

I've tried putting our decoy plastic rooster by the run, hoping she wouldn't feel the need to crow with him there. Worked 2 days...

I'm feeding her layer food, plenty of oyster shell & grit, water, they get treats of meal worms on occasion also, but still no eggs! I know she's a female, I know her eggs from the others bcs we only have 3 hens & they each lay a different color. (She's a Buff Orp & we have a Black Astrolarp & a Easter egger).

Thank you for any help!!! 🙏🏻
Does she go into the nesting box? Does she act broody in the nesting box or seem stressed. If not in stress due to being broody, then perhaps egg bound? You could try a warm bath about half height to warm her bottom but not her top feathers. Say ten minutes. Pat her dry. This may help her relax enough to lay an egg that might be too large.

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