Identifying a specific Muscovy visitor

Muscovy Admirer

Apr 30, 2024
An injured Muscovy duck visited my back yard to be fed for weeks. She had a fishing lure attached to the webbing of one foot and could barely walk, but she could fly. I contacted various agencies but could find nobody who could help her, so I just continued feeding her.

She disappeared for a few days, but then a duck that looked very much like her came by and had holes in the webbing of one foot. I was thrilled because it appeared that she had someone gotten rid of the fishing lure. I'm 99% sure it's her (especially because of the holes in the webbing in the new arrive and because the duck with the lure disappeared just before the new one with holes in her webbing appeared), but when I compared "before" and "after" photos, the markings of the two ducks (around the right eye) are extremely close but not identical.

I wondered if over a months' time (the time between the two photos), the marking around her eyes could have changed slightly, either by feathers falling out or growing in or for some other reason. The markings under her eyes appear identical to me. (I assumed the white on the wing was different because of how she held her wing in the two photos.) I'll post the two photos I have of her. Are these the same duck?


  • Duck with injury.jpg
    Duck with injury.jpg
    548.4 KB · Views: 25
  • Duck - free of fishing lure.jpg
    Duck - free of fishing lure.jpg
    426.7 KB · Views: 14
Do you have a photograph of the head of the duck with the lure in her foot -- from the side the same as the one without the lure but with the holes? I think comparing the face -- caruncles around the eyes -- is a better way of identifying muscovy. Carruncles don't change within a few weeks but feathers might
Do you have a photograph of the head of the duck with the lure in her foot -- from the side the same as the one without the lure but with the holes? I think comparing the face -- caruncles around the eyes -- is a better way of identifying muscovy. Carruncles don't change within a few weeks but feathers might
Unfortunately, the photo I posted of the duck with the lure in her foot is the only photo I have of her. I wish I'd taken more than included her head. Thank you for the information.
Looks like she could be the same duck. I agree that the white spots on her wing may be hidden. Also look at the brown on her wing tips and near her lower back. Look at the white speckling on her cheek.

The only thing off to me is the holes in her foot seems excessive.

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