Is my baby chick dieing or just lazy and sleepy

Sadly i dont have one šŸ˜„ i wish it could survive a little bit more till i can get her what she wants
Until you get her a heat source, put a jar of warm-to-hot water in her box with her. It needs a lid on it, and wrap it in a kitchen towel or tea towel. The water will need replaced often.

If you have any packets of Hot Hands, you can put a couple under a towel, pee pad, etc.
Sadly, i woke up today found her dead. šŸ’”šŸ˜­
I am sorry you lost it :hugs

But this was expected to happen as baby chicks need special care to survive without a momma hen.

Next time be prepared:

  • big brooder box with old towels or fresh sand for bedding
  • safety heat lamp on one side of the box to keep them warm for the first 4 weeks of their life
  • feed dispenser or shallow plate for feed
  • water dispenser for fresh water daily
  • fresh commercial chick starter feed crumbles
  • poultry vitamins to add to the water no longer than 4 consecutive days
  • at least 3 other chicks of the same age for company, so in case one does not make it there will still be 3 in total
Some information regarding heat sources and temperatures for baby chicks

And take a look at this forum
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I am sorry you lost it :hugs

But this was expected to happen as baby chicks need special care to survive without a momma hen.

Next time be prepared:

  • big brooder box with old towels or fresh sand for bedding
  • safety heat lamp on one side of the box to keep them warm for the first 4 weeks of their life
  • feed dispenser or shallow plate for feed
  • water dispenser for fresh water daily
  • fresh commercial chick starter feed crumbles
  • poultry vitamins to add to the water no longer than 4 consecutive days
  • at least 3 other chicks of the same age for company, so in case one does not make it there will still be 3 in total
Some information regarding heat sources and temperatures for baby chicks

And take a look at this forum
Thank you so much for all the information you have gave and i wont buy any other chick until i get those equipment and be ready to make her live happily, thank you again.

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