Ivermectin solution .02% in water; I want to verify usage before dosing


Crazy chicken lady
Mar 27, 2020
Southwestern Pennsylvania
My Coop
My Coop
My gals have never been dewormed, and they've all got a touch of the scaly leg mites. I had been hoping they'd all stop laying but I'm still getting about 6 eggs a day so I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and toss them. :(

A little info about my flock: I have (I think) 26 chickens and three are roosters. Should I use more than a gallon of water?

Anyways, I got a bottle of Ivermectin Solution .02% from allbirdproducts.com. Instructions are as follows:

In the evening just before the birds go to sleep, remove all drinking water from the cages or aviary. The next morning the birds will be nice and thirsty! Mix up the Ivermectin and vigorously shake it. Make sure you use a clean sterilized water container. The birds will drink the solution right away. Usually one good drink will help eliminate internal and external parasites. This includes air sac, scaly face and scaly leg mites.

Leave the water treated with Ivermectin until the next day, then replace with clean fresh untreated water. Repeat this same treatment once more in two weeks (14) days.

Many bird fanciers throughout the world treat their birds with the above mentioned method twice a year, in January and again at the end of the breeding season.

BE CAREFUL Ivermectin is a very powerful parasiticide, an overdose may kill your birds.


The above method is the best way to cure infestation of external or internal parasites. Such as scaly leg, scaly face and air sac mites, some intestinal worms and tracheal mites.


On a normal day how much water will you need for your birds?

Water Needed Ivermectin used

(8oz) 1 Cup………………………………….3/4 tsp. (3.7ml)

(16oz) 2 Cups………………………………...1 ½ tsp. (7.5ml)

(64oz) ½ Gallon………………………….......5 ½ tsp. (27.5ml)

(128oz) 1 Gallon……………………………….11 tsp. (55ml)

Make sure this is the only water available for your birds to drink from!


Does anyone have anything else to add regarding usage?
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Ivermectin is not good for deworming.
Neither is mixing anything with water because you aren't even sure how much water the bird is going to drink.
Always direct dose each bird straight to the beak unless you're using the expensive water soluble Safe-Guard.

Can you not get the cheap goat Safe-Guard in your area?

Merck Safeguard Goat Dewormer, 125ml https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MDQJ6X2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_12RJMAT3MWD03BT3Y0TQ
Ivermectin is not good for deworming.
Neither is mixing anything with water because you aren't even sure how much water the bird is going to drink.
Always direct dose each bird straight to the beak unless you're using the expensive water soluble Safe-Guard.

Can you not get the cheap goat Safe-Guard in your area?
I've got 26 chickens and 3 guineas. It's really not high on my list of desires to dose each one. Aside from that, scaly mites is the primary reason for wanting to dose them. Fairly certain every bird in the flock has scaly leg mites.
Ivermectin is not good for deworming.
Neither is mixing anything with water because you aren't even sure how much water the bird is going to drink.
Always direct dose each bird straight to the beak unless you're using the expensive water soluble Safe-Guard.

Can you not get the cheap goat Safe-Guard in your area?

Merck Safeguard Goat Dewormer, 125ml https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MDQJ6X2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_12RJMAT3MWD03BT3Y0TQ
Normally I agree with direct dosage and I am well practiced with oral medications, but 29 birds is a lot, and my guineas already hate me so, so much, I'd hate to make them hate me more.
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You're better off with Safeguard because Ivermectin doesn't target all worms. You can use one ounce of Safeguard in a cup of water, then mix that with 15 to 20 pounds of feed. Feed for three days.

For leg mites, good old fashioned castor oil works best. Or get permethrin or spinosad concentrate and mix up a dipping solution and dip the legs.
You're better off with Safeguard because Ivermectin doesn't target all worms. You can use one ounce of Safeguard in a cup of water, then mix that with 15 to 20 pounds of feed. Feed for three days.

For leg mites, good old fashioned castor oil works best. Or get permethrin or spinosad concentrate and mix up a dipping solution and dip the legs.
Like liquid permethrin? I've used it in powder form. Any particular ratio for a dipping solution? Any egg withdrawal if it is external? Castor oil and you just slather it on the legs?? I happen to be a soap maker and have bunches of castor oil.

I don't necessarily have a concern about internal worms, but would you recommend a round of deworming anyways?
Worming prophylactically is up to you. I don't do it. Just when I suspect an individual of having worms.

Any dipping solution would be mixed according to label instructions.

Castor oil is such a great substance, so many uses. I've used it on leg mites with great success. It seems messy, but it wear off within a week and mites are gone.

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