Lethargic and soft-egg laying hen


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2024
Hi! I have a 2 year old buff orpington hen and in the recent weeks shes lost a significant amount of weight and has a loss of appetite. I don’t think its sourcrop; her crop nor breath smell and her crop isn’t swollen — its actually very small and squishy (maybe because she isnt eating?). Shes been very lethargic — falling asleep constantly and a lack of energy. Her mouth did not show anything odd and her wattle and comb are a dark red. Shes been laying a lot of soft eggs recently and just seems sickly. I’ve attached a picture of what looks like either very runny poop or maybe an egg that came out of her in my bathroom and her face.


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What's her diet, including treats? Has she laid recently?
Hi! She gets organic 16% lay mix and for treats mealworms. We also feed our hens a bunch of fruits. She and my other chickens free range the yard. We can’t tell if she’s laid recently — she was in the nesting box today and there was an egg there but it could be another hens.
also we checked her temperature and it was 107.5, which the internet said was normal! here is a picture of how shes been standing — it looks weird to me.
She is having some soft shell egg issues, which could be due to salpingitis or a shell gland problem. I would give her calcium citrate with vitamin D 300-600 mg daily in her beak to swallow for the next 7 days. Offer her some fluids, feed and some scrambled egg. She might have a reproductive infection, hard to know.
She is having some soft shell egg issues, which could be due to salpingitis or a shell gland problem. I would give her calcium citrate with vitamin D 300-600 mg daily in her beak to swallow for the next 7 days. Offer her some fluids, feed and some scrambled egg. She might have a reproductive infection, hard to know.
thank you so much, will do!

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