Lots of embryo death in first 10 days😢

It's not stupid to try things, ad we all learn by making mistakes! Sometimes trial and error is the only way to know if something can work for you/your set-up. And it's not too late to adjust as long as some of the eggs are alive... Keep us updated on how the remaining eggs are doing! I'm rooting for them :)
It’s day 19 and 20 eggs are still alive. So only one more died in the last 6 days. Air cells are looking good and I can already see the eggs wiggling if I watch closely!

Thanks for your kind words. Hopefully these babies will hatch out nice and healthy
It's not stupid to try things, ad we all learn by making mistakes! Sometimes trial and error is the only way to know if something can work for you/your set-up. And it's not too late to adjust as long as some of the eggs are alive... Keep us updated on how the remaining eggs are doing! I'm rooting for them :)

I was going to say something like this, but you said it well!
5 have hatched and the rest all have pips!!

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