My automatic door failed.

lagrange chicks

Jul 27, 2023
I went down to give the girls some water this morning and my door was not open but it is -13F. My door is home made with solar panel, solar controller, timer and actuator with an RV battery for power. This is the coldest day since using it and it's 1st failure. My ? is does your door work in these type of temperatures? And what door do you have?
oh that's cold! We got down to about that temp (roughly -27c last year for a few days) and I was worried about this but the Omlet door kept on going. It's AA battery operated. Maybe can you set up a backup power source for it?
My door doesnt work in this cold weather. I have a chicken guard premium door. It works in the summer. And batteries last 6 months. But it definitely doesnt work in this cold weather
Its negative 20 right now and was negative 38 last night
The Pullet-Shut door has been tested in real-world environment at -20F and worked flawlessly. We're in Texas, so we can't test here. We worked with customers in MN and WI to do this testing. We also sell across Canada and have not gotten any complaints about it not working in extreme cold conditions.
I think that if there are temps that are that cold... anything under 20ºF you would be better to manually open the door. I have kept hens in the coop for a few days due to arctic air and winds.
Personally I think I would rather them inside the coop then out in this.
Again though just about everyone I have seen their 'coops' were FAR TOO SMALL for the hens they had.
I think that if there are temps that are that cold... anything under 20ºF you would be better to manually open the door. I have kept hens in the coop for a few days due to arctic air and winds.
Personally I think I would rather them inside the coop then out in this.
Again though just about everyone I have seen their 'coops' were FAR TOO SMALL for the hens they had.
I think you have that backwards... respectively. People start with a coop and the number of chickens they THINK they want. Then chicken math starts kicking in, but the coop size doesn't keep up with the math!
I have a Run Chicken door, it has worked down to -19, the only time it didn't open was when we had freezing rain and it froze shut. Since our move the pop door faces south and there is an awning over it, so I haven't encountered that issue again. It runs off of 2 AA batteries.

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