Please discuss international shipping/travel with me


May 11, 2020
I’m deeply interested in the idea of obtaining Japanese bantam breeds. When comparing ko shamo or yamato gunkei in America vs. Japan: the difference is huge. Japanese breeders have versions of these birds that are more stout (instead of the odd length I’ve seen here) and have more wrinkles in the face. The few breeders I’ve found here have pea combs and smooth faces. Regarding bantam standards, they follow that look here in the US.

So I’m not sure how to go about getting a live pair from Japan. Funnily enough I’m learning Japanese because I love these breeds so much! I would be willing to fly there to purchase the birds and bring them back somehow. Because I think that would be the only way they could come over here alive. Shipping on their own; I doubt they’d live.

Does anyone have experience doing something similar to this? I’ve heard that, additionally, birds are seen as a health risk. Meaning I may have an impossible time if anything at all.
Certainly not experienced in this matter, but international ideas like this pop up on BYC. There are regulatory issues - laws and stuff to deal with. You might be better off thinking in terms of hatching eggs. However, you can search BYC with some key words to see suggestions of others. You can go to the Social category on these forums to the where am I, … topic, then there is a pinned post for states and countries. Maybe ask there or search for this topic.
The expense is in the period of quarantine. That adds up quick, feed, care, storage for thirty days at the port of import then the vet will sign the bill of health. This is not something an individual could easily pay out.

Perhaps there is a way to import eggs so the quarantine period could take place at your home after hatch. That would take some legwork to contact all the government agencies involved. Start with your local state agricultural agency and go from there. And before you get too far look into export laws of the country you are obtaining them from.

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