Quail calling at 1:50 AM???


In the Brooder
Nov 1, 2023
I currently have about 20 coturnix outside, they’ve been out there since mid-late winter and have done fine so far. Now that it’s warming up the males have started calling more. I noticed a few days ago that one or more of them has been calling quite frequently, even at dusk when it starts to get dark. I brushed this off figuring it’s just hormones, but tonight when I’d went to let the dogs in (totally forgot about it, I’m a night owl) he’s still calling! What’s this all about?? Is there anything I can do?
I have a loudmouth. When the neighborhood roosters start, all three of them outside must chime in. Thankfully my area is used to it with the roosters and my neighbor can barely hear my boys when he is outside.

I have tried various things to try and stop the crowing (picking them up, putting them inside) they just learn to not crow when they see me but still carry on at all other times (especially when I separate them from their ladies).

At this point I just let them go, 2 of them are due to be cycled out as they are not the color I want, I am just waiting for the little popcorns that are a week old to be of age to sort and pick out some new males.

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