Quail Sweeties Hatch Along!

Okay. I have taken photos of every color variation that I think I have. I think one of them looks very different on camera but whatever, I guess.

I'd ask ya'll to please excuse the poop but I think most of us are used to the butt habits of baby birds.
They're adorable! And I see they don't šŸ’© any less than chicken chicks šŸ¤£
Okay. I have taken photos of every color variation that I think I have. I think one of them looks very different on camera but whatever, I guess.

I'd ask ya'll to please excuse the poop but I think most of us are used to the butt habits of baby birds.

My best guesses. Pic numbers are the last 3 numbers in jpg name.

1. (Celadon) - Tiny gray baby (pic 391)
2. (Celadon) Panna Cotta - Nero70002 - 048
4. (Celadon) ā€ ???
5. Gumdrop - Antiocheggers - 112
6. Yellow/white - 317
7. Rosetta tux - 048
8. Custard - GreenJay - 112
9. Taza - 2ndTink - 317
10. Fudge - TwoCrows - 159
11. Cupcake - GirlsHuntToo - 048
13. Twinkie - Wrathsfarm - ???
14. Tibetan - 144
15. *** - Fluffycrow ā€ ???
16. Pharoah - 709
17. Marshmallow - GreenJay - 841
18. Marzipan - Chive - Sparkly - 151
19. Pharoah sparkly - 131
20. Pavlova - Raising Quail - 317
21. Pharoah - 709
22. Hedgehog - Nym - 121
23. ???
24. Cannoli - ChickaChicka1 ā€ ???
25. Honey - Nero70002 ā€ ???
26. Pharoah - 709
27. Macaroon - Califas77 ā€ ???
28. Red range - 100
30. Key Lime Pie - talkinboutchickens - ???
31. *
32. Yellow/white - 317
34. Rosetta - 112
36. (Celadon) - 841
Could I possibly have the last 841 be 25: honey? I think thatā€™s my favorite color

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