Question about alternative feeds?


Mar 28, 2020
So I wanted to ask... there's videos on youtube where people mix and cook beans with pasta to feed to chickens. There's this leadfarmer73 channel where he basically talks about how the laying mash from mills the chickens won't lay eggs well and aren't healthy on it. And then he shows this concept where he soaks and cooks beans and pasta overnight. Lets it soak really good and then feeds it to chickens.

But in the video, he doesn't say or tell you how many cups of beans to how many cups of pasta (or rice would work) to do the mix? And its also an economic game where beans are going to cost more so you don't want a ton of beans in there if you can reduce it somewhat...

So I was hoping to get some input on this from people? What's the right ratio for this kind of mix?


Warning! Dry beans will kill your poultry. So don't do the mix uncooked and unsoaked.


In the past I'd corrected feed mix problems by adding like 20% of the daily volume to be UNMILLED seeds, consisting of black oil sunflower seeds, and unmilled barley seed to the laying mash to correct it. And this DOES work to correct it that way...

But the simple fact is... it isn't good for the birds to be feeding them sawdust and wood. And I expect they'll keep moving the ratios more and more to stuff that shouldn't be in feed as time passes. So this means if I don't move onto something else, then down the road I'd probably have to just keep bumping the unmilled seed mix. And that's not really worth it. So what I should do is move onto other feed mixes.

And for any of you working your own feed mixes, UNMILLED seed like BOSS and barley does work well! Unmilled seed basically doesn't have nutrient loss yet!


In the past I'd always had trouble with the laying mash mixes from the mill. I even have threads here talking about it somewhere in the past where they are putting stuff that ain't food in it. Like sawdust. So it wasn't a surprise to me about this. The video channel of that guy doesn't go into that though; he just gives you the idea that it 'don't work!'. But I hadn't gone this route yet of using normal household grains.

Also I did the math on nutrient loss on milled grain compared to unmilled grain. There's still something wrong with this. The nutrient loss and inability of poultry to stay healthy on only laying mash shouldn't be that fast, and doesn't match with how the laying mash from mills and stores underperforms compared to how fast the nutrient loss occurs.

The logical explanation, coupled with what your Bible says is that people have become cheaters and that you should do your own mix and homework because people aren't reliable.


Thank you for any insight on this and other notes on feed mix ingredient ratios! If you have something else better feel free to post it!

he basically talks about how the laying mash from mills the chickens won't lay eggs well and aren't healthy on it.

In the past I'd always had trouble with the laying mash mixes from the mill. I even have threads here talking about it somewhere in the past where they are putting stuff that ain't food in it. Like sawdust.

What country do you live in? I am in the USA, but advice that is good in this country could be very wrong in other places (different quality of feeds from the mill, different costs to get other ingredients, etc.)

he soaks and cooks beans and pasta overnight. Lets it soak really good and then feeds it to chickens.

But in the video, he doesn't say or tell you how many cups of beans to how many cups of pasta (or rice would work) to do the mix? And its also an economic game where beans are going to cost more so you don't want a ton of beans in there if you can reduce it somewhat...

So I was hoping to get some input on this from people? What's the right ratio for this kind of mix?
If beans + pasta is supposed to be the entire feed for the chickens, and they eat nothing else, there is NO ratio that will work properly.

If the chickens are eating other things as well, then the best ratio will depend on what else they are eating, and how much of each thing.

If you think chickens can be trusted to eat the right things to balance their own diet, you could cook the beans and pasta separately and put them in separate dishes, then let the chickens choose how much to eat of each one.

If you are really trying to save money, there are probably cheaper things to use, rather than anything being sold as food for people (varies by country, and sometimes from one part of a country to another.)

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