Raccoons won't leave

Thankfully where I am I don't have very many predator problems. The only time that I have lost a chicken to a predator was at the beginning of having chickens at this new house. It was a feral cat. At first I thought raccoon and then I saw the cat running from the crime scene.

I keep a live trap open all the time around my coop to get predators used to it and then I put food in the trap whenever I see a sign of anything. I have only caught 1 raccoon. He was disposed of accordingly. I have caught many opossums and many feral cats. Predators are either dispatched or relocated to where they won't be a problem for me anymore.

After a while of using something to deter the raccoons, they will find out that the sounds and lights do not mean anything. You have to keep changing up what you are doing to scare them/dispatch them.

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