Raising Guinea Fowl 101

@R2elk I got them at 4 weeks of age from a friend. I have had them for 3 weeks now
I would keep them cooped for another week before starting to release them one at a time. As long as some are still penned the released ones should not go far and should return to them.

I only fed and watered mine in the coop so they learned quickly where to go when hungry or thirsty.
I only have 2
That should definitely be a release only one at a time until they are acclimated to the situation.

Guineas are a flock bird and do best in large groups. I never recommend having fewer than ten so they can have proper flock dynamics. No, a bunch of chickens does not satisfy the guineas' need for more guineas. Guineas have entirely different instincts than any other poultry. Only other guineas understand guineas.
At 7 weeks old young guineas are afraid of everything and they are likely to fly up into a tree and not come down. if they even leave the coop. I don't let my young ones free range until they are close to adult size, around 3 months old. They are confined to a pen where they can run around and practice flying. The only exception is if they are raised by a guinea or chicken hen and she takes them out at a month old or so. :old

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