Run-Pen Addition


Free Ranging
Jul 31, 2021
SE Michigan
I'm currently brooding 4 pullets to add to our flock. We bought an addition for the run - but the weather has been uncooperative, in recent weeks. Today, we finally got it started. The original run is 10x10 proper, with probably 8 Sq ft extra under the original pre-fab coop, which you can't see in this picture. It's off the backside of the run. We are adding an additional 75' feet of run space.

We added the new shed/coop 2 summers ago. We will be building a new roof (galvanized steel) to cover the entirety of the run (old and new), along with the original, small coop that you cannot see.

The original, little coop, off the backside, needs a bit of work, as it did not do well in the elements. It's been closed up for 2 years, but I want to get it fixed up and opened, again, before the pullets are put outside. Then the girls will have roosting options, as all coops open to the common run. What I love about this set-up is that there is an existing "fence-wall" that will separate the pullets from the hens, (old pen from new addition), until they get to know each other. Then all I have to do is open the interior door-gate.

The stand-alone, teeny-tiny pre-fab coop you see is my chicken hospital. After we get everything else done, we can remove one half-panel of the run, and attach the chicken hospital. Then the girls can have access to it, as well. I also need to reconfigure their chunnel - but will do that after everything else is complete.
I love split runs: good for integration, getting birds out of the way when you're doing any sort of maintenance or cleaning, keeping a bullying bird away from its favorite targets when breakfast comes out, etc.
Holy cow am I sore, today! Spent yesterday predator-proofing and switching the run from winter-cover to summer-cover. Lots of squatting and bending. My old body is angry with me!

The new pullets had their first outings over the last 2 days - and loved it! I set up the tiny, hospital-coop for them with some wood chips. It was so cute, watching them "dust-bathe" in the wood chips! Something they don't really have room to do in their brooding bin.
I have 4 separate runs with my 2 flocks. 1 is just 3' tall hc but perfect for keeping little ones separately from the bigs.
An extra or 2 is super nice to have for integration, isolation.

Yours is looking great, @Sammster 👍. Good luck with the new addition.
I have 4 separate runs with my 2 flocks. 1 is just 3' tall hc but perfect for keeping little ones separately from the bigs.
An extra or 2 is super nice to have for integration, isolation.

Yours is looking great, @Sammster 👍. Good luck with the new addition.
Thank you. Yes, I think it's going to be very convenient. This is going to be my second time integrating. It would've been nice, last time. My current hens are all RIRs, and a couple of them have strong personalities. The incoming pullets are not RIRs, but will be similar in size when full-grown.

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