Jun 2, 2023
Hello, I’ve been growing out this paint silkie rooster for awhile. He’s about 6 months old, just wanted to share and gets some feedback on his type, I’m still learning about the sop and am trying to improve my stock.
Can add more photos if needed
P.s. Please ignore his eye, he got pecked so he’s inside being quarantined and on antibiotics for it. I had to trim his hat to keep the feathers out of it, but it’s normally quite full and even.


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Adding some pictures from a couple months ago to show his comb, muffs, beard and hat before we had to trim it all off.


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I'm still learning myself, but I can share what I think of him.
The first thing I noticed was his wings. The primary feathers should tuck under the secondary feathers, be held tightly to the body, and not droop. I believe what he has is slipped wing, which is a disqualification in shows. Wing problems are very difficult to breed out so I hear.
His tail looks too low or his head too high.
His 4th and 5th toes are correctly positioned on one leg. The other is not too far off either.
His chest and hackle area could be fuller and fluffier.
There are some nice things I see though! His earlobes seem to be nicely pigmented and his comb looks good.
I can't really comment on his crest because it's trimmed at the moment. My cockerels at least tend to have better crests at 3-4 months of age and then have their crests shrink by the 6 month mark and then get slightly better around the 8 month - 1 year mark, but still never as fluffy as they were at 3 months, so by the time he molts again, he may not have as fluffy of a crest as he did in the older photos you posed. That being said, his crest and beard do look quite nice in those older pictures.
I hope this helped! Don't be afraid to correct me if I'm wrong on anything though.
I’ve never heard of slipped wing before, I’ll definitely look into it. It’s possible that because of the infection hes holding himself funny. When he’s better I’ll clean him up again and see if I can get a proper pose on him. When he’s standing normally, his head sits about an inch higher than the top of his tail.
He’s lost quite a bit of weight due to the infection so I’m hoping his chest will fill back out once he’s better. But yes hackles and chest area definitely should be fuller.
I wasn’t too concerned about the toe placement being perfect as I’ve read that judges don’t care a ton about perfect placement as long as they’re close.
I chose him as my breeding cock because of his great comb and bright earlobes, big muffs beard and pretty decent crest. He also has almost no hard feathering anywhere but his primary and secondary feathers. His overall type is not bad aside from the potential wing issue you brought up.
Thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate it!

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