Swollen eyes and face


10 Years
Jul 23, 2013
Northern CA
My EE (about 7 years old) has a swollen face, one eye swollen shut and a bit gummy. Both sides of her face seem pale and swollen, but no other issues. She does have a few mites (we dusted her and the coop with poultry dust) and we used warm water on a cotton ball to try to clear up the closed eye. We were able to get it a little open, the eye seems clear but she’s keeping her second eyelid over the eye. In general, she doesn’t seem down. She’s eating and socializing, drinking without issues. I added vitamins to their water as well just to help boost their systems. We have 4 in the flock, and a history with Mareks. This bird was one of two survivors of the Mareks outbreak, and it’s been over a year since the last one died. Any thoughts on what is causing the swelling? Note: she hasn’t laid since last fall, I think she is past that stage in her life maybe.


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She looks to have some dried eye discharge under the eyes. I would,flush her eyes with saline and apply Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin to the eyes twice daily. She might have mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) which is a chronic respiratory disease. An antibiotic such as Tylosin or Denagard in the water may help treat symptoms. Chickens positive for Mareks may have decreased immunity to common diseases. Here is where to buy Tylosin online to put in the water for 5 days:
She is not sneezing and there are no bubbles or bad odors or any other discharges I would expect with sinus infection. I’ll go get some saline and Tylosin, and also try the warm compress with neosporin until I get those. Of course she is a carrier I’m sure for Mareks, but this doesn’t look like ocular Mareks, right?
I’ve been looking at other “swollen eye” posts and many mention removing pus. I know birds have a semi-solid form of pus, and I’m not sure that’s what’s going on here, but should I try to gently press the swollen areas?
we were able to soak the eyelid once more and get her eye open. There was some pus in her eye, which we tried to flush with saline solution, but were not able to remove it. We put some neosporin on her lower lid and put some Vicks around her ears and under her wings, hoping to maybe draw out the infection or reduce swelling. I couldn't get the Tylosin, but if she doesn't improve I'll see about a vet option. Keeping my fingers crossed!
We were able to get a large glob of infection out of her eye this morning, and now she has that eye open (it seems somewhat sunken) but both sides are less swollen and have a bit more color. I did notice some bubbles in both eyes… is that the respiratory infection? Keeping an eye on her and will flush with saline again and add more Vicks by her ears and under her wings


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Use the Neosporin or get Terramycin and repeat it twice a day until her eye is not weepy. Good job on expressing some of the pus. The pus and eye bubbles are signs of a probably respiratory sinus infection, MG. Testing could confirm it. It is contagious, and your flock would be carriers. They have all been exposed already. During times of stress such as during molting or extreme weather, that cannbe a time that she or others might show symptoms. If you can get the Tylosin at some point, it is good to have around in case another bird gets symptoms. Glad that she is doing better.
Feeling optimistic, she has had a clear eye for 2 days now, and the swelling is much less. Still checking twice daily, and using vitamins and probiotics in their water, but I think she is feeling much better. Thanks so much everyone for your advice!

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