Time sensitive! Unique situation temperature question.


Premium Feather Member
Aug 29, 2020
West Central Kentucky
For the record, I've hatched hundreds of chicks, but weaklings give me trouble with temperatures! I've assisted a fair few at hatch for various reasons but prefer to let them do their thing, naturally. I seem to have more than my share of spraddle legs and slipped tendons to deal with though! I am wondering if this genetic line is flawed.

So, I have a hen broody on a clutch. They're silkies. I noticed yesterday morning they were pipping. I checked under her this afternoon expecting to see chicks. One was mostly hatched but dead (malpositioned) and these two were not making progress. I had to assist and they were also malpositioned. Turns out they both can't walk. After a few hours I brought then inside in my extra incubator. Mama was picking on them and they weren't going to last. I splinted them and made little stands for them after a few more hours of no standing/walking.

What should my incubator temp be at for these guys? They can't move around so I'm concerned about them being too hot or cold, but I don't want them stuck still like this under a heat lamp or heat plate so I've opted for the incubator. I have it (via multiple thermometers) at 93 degrees. I just don't want them to over heat! But I know 95 for the first week assuming they can move around to their comfort.
I have been looking in on them every 20 minutes but since I'm going to bed I don't want it unideal over night. They're weak and tired. Sleeping as expected. They've had water.


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