Articles by Mary's Backyard Chickens

Mary's Backyard Chickens
2 min read
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
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When you have chickens or other poultry, it is important to do an official coop cleaning; Clean the coop out at least every season. But, how do you know what to use when cleaning out the coop, and how do you do it? I explain everything in this helpful little article. Hope this helps! CLEANING...
Mary's Backyard Chickens
3 min read
In this article I am going to talk about 8 reasons your chickens may not be laying eggs and what you can do!!!!! You may have been noticing that your chicken(s) haven't layed eggs in a while. This poultry issue is very common, and there are numerous things that can cause it. But, here are the...
Mary's Backyard Chickens
1 min read
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PLYMOUTH ROCKS Egg Production: Good Egg Size: Large Egg Color: Light Brown/Brown Temperament: Sometimes aggressive toward other hens; otherwise friendly to people, not usually noisy Main Use: Dual Purpose (meat/eggs) Color: Black And White Zig Zag Pattern We highly recommend Plymouth Rocks...
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