Welsummer or Maran?

Alabama ee

9 Years
Feb 18, 2010
I have several EE's and I am thinking about getting some chickens that lay a dark brown egg. I also want chickens that lay fairly often. Which lays more eggs-a Wellsummer or a Maren? What is the difference in egg color between the two?

I have also been reading up on these two breeds, as well as Barnevelders.
Would love to know about their temperament as well.
My Marans lay better than my Welsummers. Egg color difference is pretty dramatic between Welsummer and Marans, but for egg color consistency the Welsummers have it hands down IMO.

Here is a pic of some of my Marans and Welsummer eggs.

Welsummer eggs

Marans eggs
Barnevelder egg color is being worked on here in the U.S. as well as overseas I understand. IMO Barnies have great personalities and dispositions as well. Wish mine were laying so I could post of photo of those for you as well.
It is really hard choosing! My space is rather limited. I do think the dark are would be such a great addition. I guess with the more egg thing, I might be leaning toward the Marans. However, now after your post, I am also thinking about the Barnevelders. Do they lay as often as the Marans?
My Marans lay a bigger egg but both breeding pens lay about the same in how many per hen. I suppose it depends on whether you get closer to exhibition birds or utility bloodlines. I go for utility. Pretty is as pretty does in my book.

My Barnie flock is up for sale if anyone wants to purchase them. Pick up only though.
My Barnevelders do not lay nearly as well as the Marans or Wellies nor is the egg color anything to write home about. But they are beautiful and fairly calm. I know, I am not much of a salesman but I am honest.
Whitmore Farms breeds both Marans and Welsummers, and their websites says the Welsummer has a higher lay rate, and also the Welsummer has a nice personality. I had a couple of Marans and I traded them away because I didn't like their personalities. I should be getting my Welsummer hatching eggs in next week.
I looked up their site. The spotted eggs do look really nice... This will not be an easy choice.

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