Sylver Queen

Sylvie's Recovery (a bit graphic)

Once it looked like my little 3 1/2-year-old Easter Egger hen was going to make it through being chewed on by a dog (horrible, but gratefully she lived!), I decided to document her recovery. The first and worst photos are four days after her injuries were sustained. Couldn't bring myself to take pictures of her when she looked and smelled like Sunday dinner, just in case she didn't make it. But four days in she was doing beautifully, and so it was worth the risk!

This was July to August of 2014.

She sustained deep muscle punctures to both thighs, feathers missing from and possibly damage to one wing, and extensive skin and fat removal from her back and right thigh. Right thigh muscle was visible for about 1 1/2 inches square. (I didn't know chickens could just regrow all the tissue she lost. She flabbergasted me.) There didn't seem to be internal injuries or bone damage.

Individual photos have additional info on her progress and treatment.
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