Recent content by 13hensandaroo

  1. 1

    Your 2024 Garden

    Wow, do you already have wild American persimmons? A friend gave us some to eat. We saved seed, stratified them in moist peat for like 60-90 days and about half came up after we planted them. We planted them, all but 3 died or got eaten by rabbits. I hoping we will one day have a productive...
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    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi there. Anyone in the Rochester NY, have some tylan 50 injectable on hand so I can get a sick chicken on the mend sooner. I ordered some but wont arrive till dec. 9.
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    Your 2024 Garden

    I'm so excited to get gardening. I got my seed starter mix and going to scrub my trays and get out the heat mats soon. I've got some hot compost going now in the 30's here. my goal is to increase growing space and mow less and less till I have nothing but food. A food forest!!
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    How to buy tylan or oxymavb???

    no lesions or canker. I think its pnemonia. She's my oldest at 6yrs. Black Australop. The other13 girls look and act fine. I noticed the head shaking a month ago and treated everyone with valbazen for worms with the repeat and she just progressed to this.
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    How to buy tylan or oxymavb???

    Thank you. I was able to order from Jedds. Price sure has gone up. 47 dollars with shipping for 100g. Allbirdproducts was sold out. wont be here till the 9th. Anyone in the Rochester NY area have any on hand, Id be happy to pay a fair price. For now, Im using VetRx, silver drops and oregano.
  6. 1

    How to buy tylan or oxymavb???

    Our Feed stores in NY no longer carry it as of June 1st. Should of stocked up before
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    How to buy tylan or oxymavb???

    I've got old tylan but is very old. Cant buy this stuff in the farm/feed stores anymore. I've got a chicken with rales, shaking head, slightly swollen face, decreased appetite. Isolated from flock. But will need to treat everyone. Vet not a option. Thanks
  8. 1

    Hen with closed eye, red , now cloudy

    Updated pictures. Been using the Terramycin eye ointment almost 24hrs. No noticeable improvement. Acting skidish bc I think she can't see out of that eye. Little swelling, no drg, or smell. Eating drinking fine. Preening herself and laying eggs fine. No overcrowding but Bantum rooster knows...
  9. 1

    Chicken foot problem

    look super close, often there is a tiny pin prick hole, barely visible. often this is the entrance point. Could have been a tiny sharp object or thorn. To help with the soaking, wrap her in a towel like a burrito and she should be calmer for her spa. Use epsom salts. post a close up pic of...
  10. 1

    Underweight chickens?

    I had the same concern with my flock. Some on the low end of the pecking order were skinnier than others. Once I dewormed them they put on some weight and their combs started looking plumper and deeper red. It really wouldn't hurt.
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    Hen with closed eye, red , now cloudy

    Yes. I have terramycin. I will post an update.
  12. 1

    Hen with closed eye, red , now cloudy

    2yo Buff with now cloudy eye. She's my broody hen. Treated whole flock of 12 with valbazen for suspect thread worms, repeated in 10 days. Then I found on broody buff gray/white lice on and treated the whole flock with Elector PSP and throughly cleaned entire coup and run. day after treating...
  13. 1

    Bumble foot surgery advice needed

    This morning day 2 post op. Still swollen after soaks, surgery and 1/10 CC penicillin in breast. I don't know if I needed to go deeper in pad. Got mostly blood. Wondering if I should cut out top part and try to get kernel to come out that way. Right foot looks good, new lighter scab forming.
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    Bumblefoot surgery but no kernel/core?

    So sorry for your loss. We have a Premier solar electric fence and love it. No predators. Definitely worth it and you can easily move it around. I'm still dealing with bumble foot. Did surgery yesterday. Lots of blood but no kernel. In thinking I didn't go deep enough. I wish it would just come...
  15. 1

    Bumble foot surgery advice needed

    Right foot healing nicely. Left foot I cut two areas on top that was bulging and the pad part. Mostly blood on the pad but some yellow liquid and scant amount of white curd. Applied Vetricin, gauze pad and wrapped. Gave penicillin g w/ a 16g needle in breast tissue. I'll post pictures after I...
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