
I was raised by a NYC mother and a do-it-all-yourself father who embraced the country life. They bred English Bulldogs, had ducks, gardened, and mom even made her own peach brandy. Dad built everything she needed. We kids just worked where needed.
I spent many years “in-town” but always longed to get back to my roots. Finally convinced my husband five years ago and he’s loving it!
Since moving onto the “BarQ” (bark) three and a half years ago, we had a lot of work to do but last winter my husband surprised me with an Egloo so I could have chickens.
Still nervous since my mom passed a few years ago but I’ve found some local mentors and hope this community will help me by seeing what others go through and how they solve issues.
God bless!!
Cicero, Indiana
Real Name
Laurie Giesler
Why do you want to join our community?
New to raising chickens.


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